Amane's Plan (6)

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"Tsukasa-kun, why didn't you say that you'd started fixing it before I did?" Yashiro questioned the boy next to her, taking the chance while Amane was in another room.
"What do you mean?" Tsukasa responded, and Yashiro sighed.
"Well, you started fixing it first. All I did was finish that job and fix the glue."
"You finished the job, exactly! Besides I thought Amane would be happy if you were the one that fixed it."
"I'm sure he would have been happy if he knew that you helped, too. You two haven't seen eachother for years, and you are brothers after all."
"Yeah, but I don't think Amane likes me."
"He's nervous around you, yes, but I don't think he doesn't like you. It's only natural for I him to be nervous after... well you know." Yashiro said, and Tsukasa looked slightly down. He began swinging his legs, looking as though he was thinking about something.
"But if he does then why would he still be nervous?"
"Well, it's not really as simple as that. Someone could do something bad, and you like them, but being around them after that makes you nervous because of the chance it could happen again. It doesn't change the fact that you like that person, you're just wary."
"So Amane thinks I might do that again?" Tsukasa looked back up and at Yashiro, and Yashiro sighed.
"Tsukasa-kun, no, I don't think he does."
"Then why's he still nervous? You said it's because someone's still wary of it happening again."
"That was one example. Sometimes it's not like you want to be nervous, but it's more of a reaction you have no control over, like when you flinch if someone has hit you and raises their hand again. Do you understand?"
"Yeah... I think so. What will make him not nervous anymore?"
"That's a good question. Depends on the person, I guess. With Amane-kun, it's probably just time."

Tsukasa stared at the floor, clearly trying to think about everything. As Yashiro saw this, she smiled, realising how much Tsukasa had changed, and stood up to find Amane. She knew it wouldn't take long, since they lived in a flat, not a house.

She walked into the kitchen, and found Amane, not looking in her direction, rather, he had his head in his hands, leaning against the worktop beside the oven. He was mumbling something, but it was too quiet to be clear.

"Amane-kun, what are you doing?" Yashiro said, though she didn't get an answer. She walked closer to him, and placed her hand on his shoulder. "Amane-kun?" She repeated. Amane flinched, but turned around to look at her.
"Yashiro! Sorry- I didn't realise that was you-"
"Are you okay? What were you just doing?"
"I'm fine, don't worry! Just, uhm, thinking."
"What about? You didn't hear me, so you must have been deep in thought."
"You know, things."
"What things?"
"Just- things. Stuff."
"Yeah, but what things? Is it about Tsukasa?"
"Kind of, but, I don't know how I'm going to say this out of context without it sounding weird."
"I'm sure it won't sound weird. Say it."
"Pack a bag."

There were a few seconds of silence between them, and Yashiro stared at him, confused. Amane, realising how it sounded, widened his eyes before quickly adding on.
"I mean- not that. Sounds weird, I knew it would!"
"What do you mean by that?"
"I know it sounded odd but I meant pack a bag because I'm taking you somewhere. Not at this very moment, the day after our anniversary. Day after tomorrow."
"I thought you said you had plans after?"
"When I said I had plans, I never said they didn't involve you." Amane smiled, and Yashiro gave a curious smile back.
"Well, now you've got me interested. Where do you plan on taking me?" She leaned against the worktop, hands on her chin.
"It's a surprise."
"A surprise?"
"Yes! A surprise."
"Well I'll still need to know where incase I pack the wrong things."
"But then it wouldn't be a surprise, my whole plan would be ruined..."
"Then not an exact location. General area. That better?"
"I've been planning this for ages; should I just pack your bag instead so you know you'll have the right things?"
"You are not packing my things. I trust you in a lot of things, but not that." She laughed, while Amane pouted childishly.
"Come on, I'm not that bad at packing!"
"Are you sure? Because last time you were in charge of packing you forgot our passports."
"That was one time!!"

Before the conversation could continue, Yashiro heard her phone ringing. She pulled it out of her pocket and found that it was none other than her mother calling her. She answered, and immediately heard not her mother, but Amane's mother yelling down the phone.
"Yugi-san?!" Yashiro blurted, and Amane looked to her, incredibly confused.
"Nene! Hello! Don't mind this call, I've just taken your mothers phone!"
"I had something I wanted to ask you, and my phone is dead. Before I say anything, though, don't tell Amane about what I'm about to say, okay?"
"Good! I'm coming to visit you two! Oh, I haven't done that in so long!"
"Why so sudden?"
"It's simple! The theme that I've had so far, is visiting the two of you every year around your anniversary, so I thought I should keep the chain going!"
"Okay, but when?"
"In about an hour."
"Shush, please, Nene! I don't know if Amane is there with you, but-"
"He is."
"Ah, I see. Well, see you two later!"

As soon as Amane's mother hung up, Yashiro sighed, and placed her phone on the worktop. Amane was still standing next to her, confused as to what was going on. Yashiro glanced at him, gave a half smile, and told him.
"Your mother's coming to visit again."
"She still calls to say that?"
"Yeah, not sure why."
"When is she coming?"
"You didn't hear?"
"Oh! So she's coming in an hour?"
"Short notice."
"I can see where you get it from now."
"Wh- hey! What's that supposed to mean?! I'm very good at giving plenty of notice!"


Amane, Yashiro, and Tsukasa were sitting on the sofa, waiting to hear that doorbell ring. Amane had his head on the back of the sofa, one eye open. Yashiro had her legs crossed, and Tsukasa was just sitting, not doing anything in particular, just sitting.

Finally, the doorbell rang, and they all stood up. Yashiro got to the door first, and in almost the instant she opened it, Amane's mother loudly announced her presence. She entered the flat, and saw first Amane and Tsukasa standing there. When she did, she ran over to them, immediately embracing the two of them in a warm, inescapable hug.

"Oh, it's been awhile since I've seen both my boys in the same place!" She said, and Yashiro gave a small laugh from behind them, seeing Amane and Tsukasa's expressions.
"Mum- please- not this again- really can't breath-" Amane said, attempting to free himself. His mother pulled back, with a slightly more upset expression.
"What, do you not want to hug your mum now that you're a mature adult?" She responded, though it was clearly very sarcastic.
"It's not that- it's just that sometimes your hugs are a bit too tight." Amane sighed, moving back slightly.
"At least Tsukasa will still hug me! Isn't that right? She looked at Tsukasa, who gave a wide smile.

Yashiro walked closer to Amane, and laughed.
"Is this where a sibling rivalry starts?" She said, and Amane gave her an unimpressed expression.
"Absolutely not. I'm far too sophisticated for that!"
"You, sophisticated? Are you sure about that?"
"A rivalry isn't needed, anyway. Even before everything that happened, everyone knows who the better twin was." Amane crossed his arms, and gave a grin. Yashiro gave an overly dramatic confused expression back.
"Really? Who was it?"
"That's rude, you know!"
"It's a genuine question!"
"Me, obviously."
"I see, I see." Yashiro copied Amane's pose, and nodded sarcastically.
"Which one of us is supposed to be the one to tease, again, Yashiro?"
"You're right, it's too embarrassing. I'll leave being the embarrassing one to you."

{DISCONTINUED} Dainty Duet • HANANENEWhere stories live. Discover now