Be Honest (3)

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It was the morning after, and while Yashiro had decided to sleep where she usually slept, she wouldn't let Amane come as close as he usually did. That was something that Amane had to realise the hard way, because she didn't say anything.

"Yashiro, come on, are you okay? You're acting weird!" Amane said to Yashiro, who was sitting on the other side of the sofa.
"Have you seriously still not figured it out?"
"Figured what out? I don't understand!" Amane sat more forward than before, trying to get Yashiro to look at him, but she was avoiding eye contact.
"Where were you yesterday?"
"Eh- what?? Y-You know where-"
"Do I? Because I'm doubting that."
"What do you mean?!" Amane raised his voice slightly, and Yashiro finally turned to look at him, but it was a sharp glare.
"You know that I know you can't lie. So don't even try. Where. Were. You. Genuinely, just tell me!"
"You should know, right??" Amane hesitated, because he knew Yashiro was right. He wasn't a good liar, even if he tried. This hesitation annoyed Yashiro even more, because to her, it was just confirming the very thing she was trying to disprove.

"I don't know. Is it that hard to just tell me where on earth you were?" Yashiro spat, causing Amane to be visibly taken aback by the venom in her tone.
"I-" Amane began, before cutting himself off. Yashiro looked away, feeling herself tear up a bit.
"Please, Amane-kun. I don't want to be upset at you. Please, just be honest with me. Where were you, really?" Her voice broke slightly, and Amane just stared at her.
"I... really. Yashiro, I wish I could with this."
"What does that even mean?"
"It means I wish I could tell you. Really, I do, but I can't. Not on this. Not yet, at least."

The two of them sat in silence for a few minutes, Yashiro had her knees up to her chest, and her head buried in them. She could feel tears building up in her eyes, and tried to hold them back so Amane wouldn't realise. She was glad that today was the one day in the week that he didn't need to go anywhere, of course she was, but what she'd heard on the phone the day before made it difficult to show that.

Suddenly, she felt Amane wrap his arms around her. She looked at him, and his head was buried in her shoulder. She couldn't hold back the tears that had been collecting in her eyes, and began lightly sobbing. One of her hands covered one side of her face, as she tried to wipe the tears away.

"Do you understand how lonely I feel when you're not here? You're gone all day, almost every day. Do you understand?" Yashiro responded, and Amane looked off to the side, tightening his grip around her.
"Sometimes it's... sometimes it's like you don't care. Like you aren't bothered by how much time we don't get to spend together." Yashiro continued, and Amane looked at her, surprised. After a few moments, his expression changed, and it was instead an expression full of guilt.

"That's not true. Please believe me, that's not true."
"How can I when you never do so much as say 'bye' before you leave? Everytime I wake up, you're always gone already. Then I spend the rest of the day alone, only for you to come back late, but too late for us to spend any time together. Every single day. Do you have any idea how that feels?"

"Yashiro, look at me." Amane said, and Yashiro turned to look at him. He placed his hands on her face, wiping her tears with his thumbs.
"What?" Yashiro said, and Amane looked slightly off to the side, then back at Yashiro.
"I do care. If I had any idea how it made you feel, I'd have tried to do something about it."
"How can I believe that when you can't even be honest with me?"
"Just trust me on this. I know that's probably a lot to ask considering everything, but I need you to believe me. I don't like the amount of time we spend apart, I hate it. I want to spend time with you, and when we are apart, I want to be as close as I possibly can to you." Amane stopped for a few moments, resting his forehead on Yashiro's, closing his eyes. After a few moments, he opened his eyes and continued, still as close to her as he was before.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to upset you. I'm free all day today, so if there's anything you want to do, anything at all, tell me. No matter what it is, I'll do it as long as it's with you. Just, please don't cry." Amane said, still hugging Yashiro. He placed a soft kiss on her cheek, and closed his eyes again. Yashiro thought for a moment, and gave him an answer.
"I think... I'd just like to stay like this for now. Is that okay?"
"Whatever you want. I enjoy the time we spend together."

Yashiro finally reciprocated the hug, burying her head in the base of Amane's neck. Amane held one of her hands, his fingers intertwined with hers. They both had their eyes closed, cherishing this moment of closeness they hadn't had for a long time.

Neither of them were paying any attention to the time that passed, but it wasn't like it bothered them. They'd been sitting there for awhile, and the only difference now was that they were both lying down.

After awhile, Amane felt Yashiro lightly tugging at the collar of his shirt. He looked down at her, confused.
"What is it?" He asked, and Yashiro smiled sweetly at him.
"Nothing really. I just wanted to tell you I'm happy you're here."
"You are?"
"Yeah. It's nice to actually be able to spend time with you. Even if we aren't doing anything, it's nice." Yashiro smiled again, and wrapped both of her arms around him, her head now resting on his chest, like she was listening to his heartbeat. Amane wasn't sure how to respond, but he did become slightly flustered, though he also wrapped his arms around her, and his head was on top of hers.

They stayed like that for a few minutes, before being interrupted by someone ringing the doorbell. Amane looked up and towards the direction of the hall that lead to the front door, confused because neither of them were expecting anyone.

"Should we see who's at the door?" Amane said, and Yashiro looked up at him, then went back to resting her head.
"Nah. I doubt it's anything important, neither of us are expecting anyone or anything, right?"
"Maybe... but what if it is important?"
"Will checking to see who it is help you that much?"
"I don't know- I guess, maybe?"
"Then let's see who it is."

The two of them sat up, and they heard the doorbell ring again, except this time it was like whoever was there was repeatedly ringing it, much faster than necessary.

Amane got up first, then Yashiro. They walked to the front door, where the doorbell was ringing much faster.
"Yeah, yeah, calm down! We're coming!" Amane shouted, and he unlocked the door.

He opened the door and froze. He couldn't believe what he was seeing, almost didn't want to believe it. He stood in shock, while the person at the door smiled.

"Are you happy to see me, Amane?" Said the person at the door, and Amane hesitated to respond.
"What are you doing here..?"

I know I'm updating this fast it's because I'm on a roll with this story anyway I hope you like this chapter :)

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