Your Magic Kingdom

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Scared eyes,
Sleepless night.
Screw up all the facts,
I am tired of this game.

If this was supposed to end,
What is the point of start again?
You keep telling that i am perfect
But even this is enough to keep you here.

You say that if you had to take a side
You would always choose mine,
But why haven't you done it yet
If it's so easy ? 

I am convincing myself that you are a Queen
And this is your magic kingdom,
Where you play the roles,
And i am stuck in here tangled in your plot.

Because you are the quicksand
That swallowed all around,
And even if i run away,
It will still in my head.

I'll never know
Who will be the next on your hand,
If you gonna tear me apart with your lovely army,
Or if you gonna leave me alone in the mountain.

The worst is that i already  saw everything,
But i keep it.
You never looks like the reality,
it's just a sweet dream and the truth is still hard to believe.

I'm tired of see it all,
And never being able to send a signal
Without being e of having lost my mind
So i watch you play the same as always 

With my hands tied.

Because you are the shackle,
Who keeps me around.
And I can't run away, 
No one is with me.

But I can recognize your next step.
Because you're always looking for good people
Who will believe in  your victimism and try to help,
Until realise that you left then alone in the hell.

But you are not my queen.
And im not in your magic kingdom,
Where you play the roles, 
I've played for a long time and its enough.

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