Decisions Part 2

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"I have decided that Haruhi would want for us to follow an aggressive course of treatment," Christiana announced. "I don't think that she would like to turn slowly or to die without a fight. While not as talkative as I am, she follows her heart as long as it is logical for her to do so."

"So that leaves us with the first two choices," Miss Harrison agreed. "The question is, how do you plan to decide between those two courses of treatment?"

"I'm not sure," Christiana freely admitted. "She had so many interests and was involved in everything from martial arts to computer games."

"So the next question that I would ask is 'What does she need in order to enjoy those things?' or better yet, 'What course of action could we take to help give her a satisfying existence?'" Miss Harrison said.

"Well, to determine that, I need more information," Christiana retorted.

"What information is that?" Miss Harrison asked with a puzzled look on her face.

"I need to learn more about the prosthetics that the Doctors plan on fitting her with."

"Assuming that she survives under the first course of treatment?" Miss Harrison asked.

"Yes, under the first course of treatment."


"Christy, is she insane?" Cooper said over the 'com, her voice showing the powerful feelings she was experiencing. "Haruhi only has a twenty-five percent chance of survival if we only use normal medical procedures. Duflot himself is about ready to come down there and try to talk some sense into her."

"I get that, but right now she is simply weighing all of her options," Christy Harris replied calmly. "It is the most logical thing to do at this point. Considering her young age, I am very proud of her for looking at this logically. I'm not sure that I could have functioned this well if Mary had gotten seriously injured when I was eighteen years old."

"I understand your feelings, but this is serious. You know Duflot will move heaven and Earth for one of his descendants. Even though Haruhi won't be his great-grandchild if you turn her, he is already treating her like a member of the family," Cooper pointed out.

"What about Christiana? Doesn't he consider her a member of our little bloodsucking family?"

"Yes. That is why he hasn't intervened as of yet. In his eyes, we have an infant making a decision that will affect all of Stellae Sanguine," Cooper explained.

"Heck, in his eyes I'm still a brat," Christy pointed out.

"Yes, which is why he wants to intervene directly."

"What about having you come down and explain things to her?" Christy asked.

"Finding out that you are a vampire is enough of a shock to her right now. After all, she has met me frequently in the past." 

"If she wasn't under such extreme pressure, I am sure that she would have figured it out by now," Christy noted.

"Just like she would have figured out that you are her genetic mother. However, her mind is at the breaking point trying to process what's going on with her womb-mate."

"So what do you suggest I do? Because of our clan's zero-tolerance policy for turning people against their will, I can in no way interfere or intervene. Besides, who was it who came up with the rule that's behind all of this?"

"It was Duflot himself."

"Exactly," Christy said in exasperation.

"Actually, it was an excellent decision or no one could have decided for Haruhi and we would lose her forever if she died," Cooper replied.

"But Haruhi can still speak for herself, if only for a few minutes per treatment. If she decides herself, would it override the power of attorney?" Christy asked.

"That would be up to Duflot... I can ask him and see what he has to say."

"Please do."


Christiana and Miss Harrison were sitting on one side of a table in the med-bay. Across from them sat Ito-san, the head physician of Hope, and Mr. Jones, the head surgeon. On the table sat a prosthetic arm and a prosthetic leg. Both were extremely lifelike, complete with peach fuzz hair on the arm. It also felt warm and soft to the touch.

"Here are examples of the prosthetics that we have on board. They manufactured these back on Old Earth and are thus of higher quality than those produced locally. The 'Founders' realized that there would be a lot of injuries among the early colonists. As a result, we have a wide assortment of sizes and hair colors to choose from," Ito-san began, almost like a car saleswoman trying to make a sale.

"They look very lifelike," Christiana admitted as she picked up the arm. "I cannot believe that this isn't human skin."

This was when the second physician chimed in, "Yes, they do feel very lifelike to a person touching them, but it is not so realistic of a feeling for the wearer."

"What do you mean?" Christiana asked, surprised.

"The person wearing the prosthetics loses most of the feeling in their fingers and hand, almost as if they had a pinched nerve. As a result, fine motor skills are diminished. While fine for large movements, such activities as typing on a keyboard will be greatly impaired."

"Mr. Jones, the very fact that they regain any sensation at all is almost a miracle," Ito-san pointed out with a frown.

"Ito-san, they want to know about the full operational abilities of the prosthetics in question. Therefore, I am going to give her as much information as I can so that she can make an informed decision."

"Mr. Jones..." Ito-san began, only to be cut off by the youngest person there.

"What about the leg?" Christiana asked, intrigued by the usefulness of the prosthetics. "I'm sorry, but we do not have the time for the two of you to bicker. Mr. Jones is giving me the information that I need."

Ito-san shot Christiana a dirty look. In addition, the temperature of the room felt like it had dropped ten degrees.

"Yuki-onna!" Miss Harrison growled.

"Kyūketsuki!" Ito-san growled back.

"Enough!" Mr. Jones yelled. "This is no time for racism!"

"Racism?" Christiana said. In a society where someone's Mother could be of one race of humans and their offspring could be another, the term 'racism' was no longer part of the vocabulary. Hence the girl's confusion.

"That's an old term, Christiana, and not a very nice one at that," Miss Harrison said with a grim smile. "Mr. Jones is right, we have more important things to sort out at the moment, namely your question about the leg."

"I agree," Ito-san acquiesced. "The important thing is the health of the patient."

"To answer your question, the legs are similar to the arms. Haruhi could walk, perhaps even run, but she won't be able to dance."

"What about performing martial arts?" Christiana asked hopefully. After all, she and Haruhi-nee practiced together each morning before breakfast.

"No, I am afraid not," Mr. Jones said, his voice and downcast eyes conveying his feelings of regret.

"You told me that these are the best models that you have in stock. Would it be possible to fabricate a more advanced version of the legs using current technology?"

"I'm sorry, but we can barely replicate the prosthetic in front of you. We have not progressed significantly in artificial limb construction since the Founding. Why would we when we have thousands of limb replacements in storage?" Mr. Jones retorted.

"What if..." Christiana began, only to be cut off by Ito-san.

"Young lady, you do not seem to be grasping something. Something that these two cannot point out because of rules within their Clan. However, since I am not one of their group, I will say it."

"Say what?" Christiana asked.

"Your Sister's only genuine hope for survival is if we turn her into a vampire."

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