Very Little Nightmares

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This game is quite long so I will not be going over every single little thing that happens in the story as I did with the comics. If you haven't played or watched gameplay of the game, I recommend you do that to better understand this.

So this is a bit of a backstory of when the game starts. The Girl In The Yellow Raincoat is the daughter of The Lady from Little Nightmares. You can see her picture hung around The Lady's room in Little Nightmares. The Girl In The Yellow Raincoat escaped The Maw (the location of Little Nightmares) and The Lady on a hot air balloon trying to find anywhere else to go.

Luck wasn't on her side when suddenly she crashed into the attic of The Nest. The Nest is home to a little girl called The Pretender. She has the ability to make people disappear leaving nothing but their clothes behind. The Pretender has parents (pictures of them can be found around the mansion) but they are never seen in the game because they are both dead. I thought I had evidence to kind of back this up but I don't. A picture in the mansion of a man hanging does not match the father's appearance. However, that picture of the hanging man is the same hanging man seen at the beginning of Little Nightmares. So those two are the same person but The Pretender's father is different. But I still stick with the theory that her parents are both dead.

The Pretender has never really had friends. Another picture shows this around the mansion of her standing in the middle of kids who all seem distant and uninterested in her. Because of this, she grew very fond of dolls and even has her very own doll maker known as The Craftsman. Captured children are brought to The Nest where The Pretender touches them and The Craftsman uses their clothes to make dolls for her.

Anyways, Very Little Nightmares begins after The Girl In The Yellow Raincoat crashes into the mansion's attic. She wakes up from a precognitive dream (a dream that tells the future) and begins her journey through the house trying to find a way out. Soon after, she spots another girl who was attempting the same. This girl was Six but after being spotted she quickly leaves. The Girl In The Yellow Raincoat decides to follow Six from a distance.

Because she is following her, naturally Six can be seen briefly a few more times in the mansion. Eventually, The Girl In The Yellow Raincoat runs into The Craftsman. He is dragging a cage that contains a captured child into another room. The Craftsman left another cage behind that contained The Kid In The Red Scarf. The Girl In The Yellow Raincoat helps free the other kid by finding a key. Together the two helped each other push open a heavy door but once it was open The Kid In The Red Scarf ran away. The Girl In The Yellow Raincoat makes her way to the next room where she finds the clothes that The Kid In The Red Scarf was wearing indicated that The Pretender touched them and left just seconds before The Girl In The Yellow Raincoat got there.

Making her way deeper into The Nest, The Girl In The Yellow Raincoat eventually makes her way past The Craftsman's area where a few instances, nomes briefly helped her. Shortly after, she runs into The Butler who has telekinesis powers as well as some sort of electrical corruption power. When he walks into a room the lights tend to flicker some.

At one point The Girl In The Yellow Raincoat goes down a trash shoot and falls into the Dump Monster's territory. He is never actually seen since he travels under all the garbage.

After escaping that area, The Girl In The Yellow Raincoat comes upon a room with a bunch of empty hangers that are going around to other rooms on a string. One hanger had the red scarf that The Kid In The Red Scarf was wearing. The Girl In The Yellow Raincoat even uses the scarf to get out of that room.

Eventually, The Girl In The Yellow Raincoat winds up in The Pretender's quarters with all her dolls. She comes to a part where in order to progress she must pull a doll off of a chair that was sitting at a table. That doll was wearing the same clothes The Kid In The Red Scarf was wearing. A few rooms over The Girl In The Yellow Raincoat finally get to see The Pretender.

Next door to that is the room full of pictures of all the kids she had touched and used their clothes on dolls. Under the floor are some pictures of more kids but the frames had been broken. These are the dolls she ended up destroying and/or getting rid of because she didn't like them. The top corner of that room leads to a smaller room that has a few more pictures of children. In front of those pictures are nomes looking at them. The nomes were just curious and were probably missing the days they were children as well. I don't think those were pictures of them because every time The Pretender touches someone, no nome appears in their place. So she doesn't have the ability to turn someone into a nome. But this does make me question how are nomes in this mansion? Maybe she did have the power but only used it sometimes.

The Girl In The Yellow Raincoat makes her way to the front entrance and on the first floor, The Pretender comes out of a side room with the doll that The Girl In The Yellow Raincoat had to push off a chair earlier. The Pretender was mad at the doll and dragged it outside. Naturally, The Girl In The Yellow Raincoat follows but The Butler soon appears and begins to chase her. That is when Six appears again but this time the two team up and help each other escape. The Girl In The Yellow Raincoat makes her way through a shed that has a basement after getting temporarily split up from Six. In the basement, the floor is covered with discarded and broken dolls. After The Pretender destroys the doll, she leaves them in that shed.

Once she comes out of the basement, The Pretender is seen crying next to a cliff after destroying the doll. She notices The Girl In The Yellow Raincoat and shrieks so loud it temporarily stuns the girl. After, The Pretender begins to chase her.

The Girl In The Yellow Raincoat gets to the end of an overhang. Six is just above and pushes a boulder down onto The Pretender but she gets up and keeps chasing. The Girl In The Yellow Raincoat and The Pretender end up falling off of the overhang down to the water below.

Once they hit the water, The Pretender touches The Girl In The Yellow Raincoat making her disappear, and shortly after The Pretender drowns. All that can be spotted is the yellow raincoat after it floats back up to the surface. Six witnessed all of it and knew it was finally over. She made her way down the cliff and found a wooden raft at the edge of the island. She used this raft and set to sea for days to come. The end!!

There are a few more things in the game I haven't mentioned. One of them being the collectibles. It is a little jack in the boxes but the thing that pops out are characters from the comics and games. Some of the rooms that these boxes can be found in are a bit interesting. One room had a key on a plate. It can't be interacted with but it is the key to unlock the lock that The Butler has on his hands. There were also books in The Nest titled The Maw with a picture of The Maw on them but like Disney, Tarsier Studios likes to put easter eggs in their games for upcoming games that haven't been released yet. This book was one of those easter eggs referring to the soon-to-come Little Nightmares.

There is also a secret room that can only be accessed once The Girl In The Yellow Raincoat sees all the collectibles. The secret room is in the area with a seeing-eye that petrifies kids if they enter its view. In the secret room, there is a dead chicken with a bunch of smashed eggs but one egg is laid on a pillow and ends up hatching a baby chicken. In the room, there is also a turned-on TV playing static as well as a door that has many locks on it. I tried doing research on what this room could mean but I found absolutely nothing. It's so random too and doesn't really connect with anything from the games or comics so I can't make a theory about what it is either.

Naturally, there are a ton of eyes to be spotted everywhere in the game just like how it is in all the games.

This is the very last thing I wanted to add and honestly, I don't think it really means anything but I'm bringing it up cause I don't want to leave a single detail out. Twice in the game a picture and drawing of a hot air balloon floating in the sky can be seen which looks exactly like the one The Girl In The Yellow Raincoat came in on. The Picture was probably just a coincidence because I don't see any way The Pretender could have taken a picture of The Girl In The Yellow Raincoat's hot air balloon and hung it up by the time the girl made it to the room. It seems The Pretender doesn't even know she is in the mansion until later on. The drawing, however, was done by a nome on a wall. Some nomes tend to be a bit curious so it could have just drawn what it saw in the attic. After all, it does seem the nomes are a little fond of The Girl In The Yellow Raincoat.

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