Chapter 1

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Lexi was extremely upset with the way Fez viewed her,fragile and helpless,constantly needing to be saved,or so she thought.
In reality,he was too scared of what could happen to her because of him,and only thinking about it made him feel guilty.He wanted to protect Lexi.

"What the fuck does that mean Fezco?" yelled lexi
"I dont want you to get fucking hurt that's what it means"
"You consider me fragile but im far from that" she added,tears forming,looking around Fezco's kitchen trying to avoid his eyes.

There was silence for a couple seconds,seconds that felt like hours and the tension was only building up.

Fez looks down to the ground,unable to watch Lexi in her eyes."What if we just,took a break?For a little while until i figure things out with Mouse and his guys." Fez suggested,his eyes still focused on the ground.

Lexi starts quietly crying,realizing what Fez just said.She couldn't help to wonder if that's really what's best."Is that what you want?"Lexi asked also looking down,unable to watch Fez in this moment.

Fez suddenly looks up in the direction of Lexi,hoping to get some sort of eye contact with her."No,but.."

"That's all i needed to hear,Fez" she cuts him off,running out of his house.

Fez watched the girl leave in a hurry,somewhat erratic,hiding her quiet sobs as she walks out.This hurt him immensely but knowing he could put Lexi at danger hurt even more.He only wanted to protect her

Lexi left Fez's house that day feeling betrayed.She didn't understand why he thought of her as that fragile but most importantly,she didn't understand why he would want time apart.


"Come on Lexi it's been over two weeks you have to get over him a way or another." Cassie groaned

"Will you just,leave me alone?Im taking my time"Lexi added

"If by taking your time,you mean spending everyday in bed for the past two weeks,then yes you are doing just that."

"Haha so funny Cass,now can i read in peace?"lexi added,focusing all her attention to the book she was reading instead of making conversation with Cassie

You rarely caught the two sisters chatting like this,usually it's snarky comments and small arguments over makeup or clothes.

Lexi wasn't usually the type to make the snarky comments,it was the other way around,but she really wasn't feeling her sisters jokes today.It marked 3 weeks since she last spoke to Fez and she felt she was going crazy without feeling his touch,smelling his heavy cologne or hearing his voice.

"I know you're sad but sometimes things like these are for the best.Besides,you're definitely getting back together"

Lexi gets out of her bed and heads to the bathroom for her daily routine.She pops her head out of the bathroom to listen to Cassie's not so helpful motivational speech."Probably one of the only times something you said actually made me feel somewhat better.Thanks Cass"she adds.

Lexi and Cassie have always had unspoken rules,like you signal when you're sick,when you're on your period and you always ALWAYS tell the other when you've done IT without protection.They just want to keep eachother safe since Cassie's been down this road once before.

"Hey Cass,what day is it today?"yelled Lexi from the other side of the bathroom door.

Cassie pauses for a second to think before answering her sister's question."It's july 17,why?"

A sudden rush of panic ran through Lexi's body,flushing her cheeks bright red and hot.

"Um,when did you get your last period?"Lexi asks erratically while trying her best to not show panic."We were synced right?"the younger girl adds.

Cassie sensed where this conversation was going.She didn't want to scare Lexi so she tried her best to keep collected and calm while answering her question.
"Like a week or two ago,i don't know".The older girl attempted to make a nonchalant answer. "Did you get yours?" she adds.

Lexi now started to panic.She realized she was about two weeks late.She tried to brush it off thinking it must be the stress or the sadness she's been going through.That's rational,right?

Although deep down,she knew she had reason to panic.It was no secret her and Fez were sexually active,and she was always at risk of pregnancy scares.

"I think i missed mine."

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