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                  5 days when Sunghoon agreed to coach Heeseung, Sunghoon told him what to do and how to register himself for the upcoming District Figure Skating Contest. It was only a few months away and he isn't sure if they could pull this off in such a short period of training but he was hoping that it isn't that bad to achieve for one last time, right? Right.

Because it is within his guts that he trusted Heeseung.

He trusted him

And so far, Heeseung was doing his far best, the only problem is that; he always skidded himself away when there was someone coming, like when Jake saw Sunghoon two days ago near the lake, the ice knight saw the rookie skater running away from his life.

Again, Sunghoon finds it kind of odd. Another day was when Jay visited Sunghoon to see how he was doing, Heeseung didn't hesitate to hide behind the huge pine tree that left Sunghoon a sly smile, what was this kid so afraid of? Sunghoon ponders in thought.

He tried asking but Heeseung just gave him a silent answer.

Another problem is that they need an ice rink, the real deal. The frozen sturdy ice lake was okay but it isn't the same as skating in a real ice stadium, plus they need more than just a speaker that they could barely even hear. "Hey. . . " Sunghoon called out to the other, gesturing his hand to come over.

"Yes, Coach?" Heeseung glided his way towards Sunghoon, landing himself at the littoral land. "You know, you can call me by my name. . . " Heeseung smirked, he had never heard Sunghoon call his name even when he introduced himself to him a few weeks ago.

"Yeah Okay. . . " Sunghoon replied as if he cared. "We need the real deal. . . " he continued. Heeseung just stared at him confused as an eyebrow raised skyward. He looked around their surroundings, wasn't this the real deal? It's cold, icy, and big. "The real deal?" asked Heeseung, he was sure where this was going.

"An ice rink. . ." Sunghoon had finally said, that took Heeseung aback but if this was the path, he had considered choosing then who was he to complain right? It was exciting yet overwhelming. "Whoa Coach. . . I know we're taking this so seriously but where the heck are we going to find an ice rink?"

And he was right, Sunghoon thought, trying to think. If he were to go to his previous training place it was a one-hour ride, plus if he showed himself to the public in the city, he would definitely be caught by the media. There was no option, wasn't it? Or maybe there was. . .

Sunghoon eyed Heeseung and spoke. "I know a place. . . Tomorrow morning meet me at the front of my house. . . " his steadfast voice says it all, Heeseung had no idea what he was thinking but he trusted him. "I'll call Jay and Jake to fetch us as early. . . "

Breaking the Ice | 엔하이펜 | HEEHOONWhere stories live. Discover now