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                           Sunghoon's friends certainly know when to keep a promise because, by the following day, they bought a portable Samgyeop grill pan, pork belly, cabbages, chopsticks, and a whole lot more for a feast. They cleared Sunghoon's study table and arranged everything before setting up the meal and the pan in the early morning.

Sunghoon wasn't that much of a morning person but a big thanks to Jay and Jake he woke up early than expected, sitting in his wheelchair as he dazes off to oblivion, and then he would take short glances at his window, trying to eye at that young ice skater he met yesterday. But he wasn't there.

Of Course, he wasn't there Sunghoon, he said the same time around 2 pm it's practically 6:45 am.

Why was he even searching for him? When he clearly told himself that it'll happen just once.

"Let's eat?" said Jake handing Sunghoon a bowl of rice and chopsticks. "Come on Hoon dig in! Jay brought the best pork belly and I on the other hand picked out the fresh vegetables. Since Jay doesn't know how to pick one, can you believe that he chooses one of the worst ones?"

Jay hit Jake's shoulder making Jake wince in pain even though it wasn't that hard. Jake was just being overdramatic, eyeing the other with his glare but his gaze softens when he saw Jay glare back. One thing that is certain of Jay is to never inform someone of fake information about him because he will never shut up about what's exactly right.

Sunghoon wished he could also do the same.

"Kidding - Ha - Ha. . ." Jake replied with a grin covering his features, afraid of what Jay would do next if he continued. "Jay picked them all. And this is my mom's samgeyeopsal pan so I contributed, obviously, Well! A promise made is a promise kept! Come on!"

"Don't mind me starting to cook, I mean a chef's work is never done!" Jay laughed, as he started to heat the oil and then afterward placed the pork belly cooking them up. Sunghoon watched his friends do their thing while he was too busy peeking out his window.

Clearly, he should stop doing so, what good would it get anyway?

Jay and Jake on the other hand were too observant, they noticed their friend staring at his window and they couldn't help but also peek at what Sunghoon was staring at. Jay looked at Jake bobbing his head and pointing to the window while Jake just pouted in sync with a shrug.

"We can pull the blinds if you want Hoon," said Jake, standing up to almost pull the blinds but Sunghoon stopped him from doing so, as he took a deep breath and spoke. "No, it's - it's okay, I - I just remembered that I have a schedule for tomorrow's check-up."

"You're worried about that??" asked Jay, though it was a lie, Sunghoon thought it would be better to keep to himself about what happened yesterday.

Breaking the Ice | 엔하이펜 | HEEHOONWhere stories live. Discover now