chapter 2

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Tayln's pov
Later that day I had a call from Ray saying they were looking for a place for their business and gave me the address, I took a cab and I walked inside "Okay this place dose not seem safe to even be
In" I say looking around the old fire house "oh hey you made it, guys this is who told you about" Ray says "oh yea I remember you" Peter says. Egon didn't say anything but he just looked at me, it was like he knew me from somewhere "anyway I was thinking she could be a part of the team, I mean she says she owns almost every book on the paranormal & supernatural" Ray says. The other two seem hesitant "I may be a woman but I am more then willing to kick ghost ass if I have to" I say then debated it I should tell about my encounter "I don't see why not, I feel like were gonna need all the help we can get so.......welcome adored miss....."egon says they then realise they don't know my name.

I smiled a little "thanks, my name is Tayln Barrett by the way" I say and I don't know what it is but from the moment I saw egon I got this fuzzy feeling in my chest and I think Peter could tell. We all spent the next week fixing up the place and getting to know eachother, I can safely say that I now actually have friends and we filmed the commercial fron the company. The name was ghostbusters which make since given what the guys said they had planned for years, Ray found a car and he had been working on it using blueprints egon had made. The guys had hired repseptionist named Janie and as I'm sat upstairs working on this proton pack thing egon had come up with with the guys all come up with another woman "tayln this is Dana Barrett and she says she needs our help" peter says.

I simply nod as we ran a few tests and she tells us what happened to her "and this voice said zuul and then I slammed the refrigerator door and I left, that was two days ago and I haven't been back to my apartment" she says. I was taking notes about what she was saying "generally you don't see that kind of behaviour in a major appliance" Peter says "what do you think it was?" I asked her with a kind smile trying to clam her since I can see she's still freaked out. "Well if I knew what it was I wouldn't be here" Dana says slightly annoyed that I asked "egon what'd you think?" Peter asked and egon turns to him "she's telling the truth, at least she thinks she is" he says and I finally put down my notebook.

I swear I think I've heard the name zuul before "well of course I'm telling the truth, who would make up a story like that" Dana says "some are people who just want attention, others are just nutballs who in off the street" Peter says. I am really considering talking about my encounter "you know what it could be? Past life experiences intruding on present time" Ray says "could be be erased memories stored in the collective unconscious, I wouldn't rule our clairvoyance or telepathic contact either" egon says taking a seat next me on the couch. I felt warmth in my cheeks being so close to him "I'm sorry I don't ont believe in any of those things" Dana says rolling her eyes "well that's alright I don't either" Peter says getting up and standing next to Dana.

My god is he really trying to flirt right now "but there are some things we do, standard procedures in a case like this which offen bring us results" Peter says. I looked to the others to see what they think we should do "well I could go to hall of records and check out the structural details in the building, maybe the building itself has a history of physic turbulence" Ray says. That is a pretty good idea to know if this kind of thing bad happened there before "I could look for the name zuul in the usual literature" egon says "spates catalogue" Ray says "tobin spirit guide" egon say "I mean I can check though my personal book collection to see of anything comes about that name, it feels to familiar for my liking" I say.

I didn't realise that egon had gave me a questioning look "tell you what I'll take miss Barrett back to her apartment and check her out" Peter says but I just got up and walked away before be just embarrassed himself more.

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