•.°alone, defenseless, dead°.•

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I saw mr. Masrani's helicopter fly over camp, he isnt always on the island.

I sit in a spinny chair and spin around every once and awhile, as not to make tiny dizzy.

Tiny has grown a bit but she still can fit in my fannypack which is good.

Darius burst through the doors of the main lounge room.

"What up, camp cretaceous!? Whoo-hoo!" He cheers, walking inside.

"Not in a 'whoo-hoo' mood this morning darius..." kenji said.

"Not after yesterday!!" I yelled making everyone in the room jump at my sudden outburst.

"Sorry" i said shyly, cowering into my chair.

"Trekking through a rain storm will do that.." kenji finished.

"We only had to walk because you crashed our gyrosphere.." ben said, sipping on his juice box.

Kenji growled at him making him cower back into the couch.

"But today's a new day! Kayak day! who doesnt wanna paddle alongside dinosaurs? Real dinosaurs!..its gonna be awesome, right?...wait, where are dave and roxie?" Darius asked.

"The babysitters took off early and left this.." kenji said, handing darius the note the counselors wrote.

"BRB. Gotta go. Boss-talk. BB. Later. :)...is that a dinosaur emoji with a thumbs up?" He read out daves side.

"Its dave speak...roxie translated on the back.." i said.

"We have to go talk to our boss, stay inside until we return..draw, bond, whatever..the radio's set for channel six in case you need us..stay inside, stay inside, do not leave, kenji, looking at you..hah..uh..sorry for the kids' menus, its all dave had.." he read out roxies side.

"Do they understand how old we are? I mean, when was the last time you even saw a crayon?.." kenji asked sliding across the room, ben showing me, sammy and yaz a picture of him and bumpy he drew.

"Hm, i have notes.." yaz said.

"Yasmina!" Sammy said, playfully bumping yaz' shoulder.

Brooklynn barges into the lounge room with a scowl.

"Brooklynn..whats new on the internet, superstar?" Yaz asked.

"I wouldnt know..because when i went to get my phone from its charger, it wasnt there! Someone stole my phone!" She yelled, arms crossed.

"Brooklynn..who hasnt had your phone?.." yaz asked.

"I-i needed to check the weather last night.." ben said.

"I wanted to call my brother to check on him and the pack.." i said rubbing the back of my neck.

"Dr. Sattler posted a new column on microfossils yesterday.." darius said.

"...too good to miss the selfie opp, but i havent used it since then, i swear!" Kenji said.

Brooklynn scoffed.

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