'°cattle drive°'

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"We thought it'd be fun...we thought we'd be safe, but...we didnt realize the..horror waiting for us on the island..claws, teeth...screaming..so much screaming...the t.rex stalked closer..her jaws opened wide..-"
Darius's story was cut off by brooklynn and her phone.

"Really?" I asked, it was getting good.

"For the vlog..keep telling your little story.." she said.

"The t.rex sta-" darius was cut off again by brooklynn.

"Brooklynn..." i whined, leaning back on my seat.

She was talking about something but i wasnt paying attention to her, i sat back up straight and waited for him to continue.

"Maybe i should start over.." darius said, lifting his hood over his head.

"No! In fact, you can just stop!" Ben said, clinging on to me.

"Calm down ben, its just a story.." i said, patting him on the head.

"So the t.rex stalked-" darius tried again but was inevitably cut off again, but by sammy this time.

"Shouldnt we call yasmina over? I bet she'd love this story.." she said, darius flopped over on his seat, showing he's giving up.

They kept talking and i managed to pry ben off me and go sit by darius.

"Hey, let me show you something.." i said, his head perked up instantly at the sound of my voice.

I reached into my fannypack, carefully as to not wake tiny and blow our cover, and pulled out the 3D printed velociraptor vocal piece.

"Woah! Is that?" He cut off his own sentance when i nodded.

"Does it work?" He asked, gently taking it from me and looking it over.

"Yes but i never have time to test it, you wanna try?" I asked, his expression changed from wonder to excitement as he nodded vigerously.

"Go ahead.." i said.

He gently blew into it making it make the same snarling noise that the raptors were making when i was in their pen.

Ben screamed and hid under the benches while everyone else looked around with scared expressions.

I started laughing uncontrollably, they all looked at me like i was crazy then i pointed to darius who had a smug smirk on his face.

He blew it again making a low growling noise.

"He got you guys good with that.." i said, taking it back from darius and blowing a certain pattern into it making the call for help noises, also known as raptor barks.

"Thats so cool..where did you get it?" Darius asked as i put it back into my fannypack.

"Owen gave it to me...my brother.." i said, zipping up the zipper of my fanny and leaving a little bit unzipped for tiny.

"Its 3D printed.." i added.

"Maybe they could start selling them in the gift shops?" He suggested.

Gradysaurus: The Girl In Discuise (camp cretaceous x reader)Where stories live. Discover now