Tale 3

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  2 days later, she finally woke up. Her cold went down a lot. 'I'm happy, I've been nursing her after all! Toooooootally didn't get kicked out in the process'

"Y/n, it's time for medicine!" I knock on the door, with one hand holding a cup of medicine 'I mean I learn my lesson...learning how to knock'

"Come in..." her voice is so soft, I open the door to meet with her (e/c) staring at me...making me unable to move.

"Barbatos?" she calls me

"Ah! Yes! Your medicine" I quickly walk toward her and give her the medicine "it's hot, be careful..." I help her hold the cup as she drinks.

"Thank you..." she finishes drinking her medicine, I take the cup away and wipe the leftover spill next to her lip.

"You're welcome!" I smile "and I also bought good News! Are you ready to hear them!"

"Good News?" she tilted her head and her hair also follow along with her head "may I ask what is it?"

"Geez! Don't be so formal with me, I feel really distant" I pout

"um," she looks a bit hesitant "if, if you say so..."

"We will work on that" I crossed my arm and put the medicine cup near her bedside "back to our- I mean your good news hehe"


"Well, a sister said that tomorrow you can check out!" I Beam

"Check out?" she asks

"Mean you can get out of your sickbed. And go play with me!" I got closer to her 'I want to show her a looooooot of fun things to do!'

"play? What is that mean?"

"Huh? You don't know what play is?" I gulp

"??" she smile

"Y/n, play is something you do to have fun. And I want to let you have fun" I calmly explain to her.

"Have fun?" she looked at me more confused

"I..." I have a hard time explaining to her, 'how can anyone don't know what having fun is?!'

"Y/n!" I exclaim "I will show you what fun is! Just you wait" I am really, really, REALLY determine on this!

While she looks at the person more confused and also his action, 'I think I see fire coming out of him, is he ok?'

Ding* Dring* ting* tink*

  The sound of the lyre end, the Barb Turns to see the boy next to him "my little one...fall asleep already?" he giggles to himself.

"Should we stop for now?" ask Paimon "as much as Paimon wants to know more, (c/h) sleep is more important!"

"Yeh..." Lumine agree "maybe next time"

"Haha" Venti laugh "it's up to you traveler!" he beamed. He got up and pick the little boy with him "I will go put this little bird to bed first"

"Alright! See you later Venti" Paimon wave her hand

"See ya!" so is Lumine

"Right, before I go, tomorrow is this little bird's birthday, why don't you two come and celebrated," said Venti

"Ooooo! Birthday! Paimon likes a birthday! Paimon will go!!" Simon fly around the place

"Sure, see you tomorrow Venti," said Lumine, holding Paimon to make her stop flying around.

"I will see you two then!" said Venti and on his way.

  The two looks from behind and look back at each other "what now?" asks Paimon, Lumine shrug "go to sleep too, I guess"

"Just sleep? We could buy a gift...or We should go eat!"

"We just have some before we come here! What more do you want??" Lumine look at her speechless.

"Oh right! Come to think of it, did Venti tell us where the birthday place will be?" Paimon look at Lumine

"We can...go ask around like we always do," said Lumine and on her way too "ahhh, I'm sleepy~"

Back to the past

"But if I leave, where will I go?" she asks "Is there any place that accepts a worker? I can work to the best of me!"

"No, you don't have to work!" the boy smiled pulling her out of the cathedral "I can provide for us!" he grins

"You will?" she ask

"Yup! Now come on! Let's go to my favorite place!" he said helping her go down the stair "we should also...get you some new clothes" he said looking at her clothes dress in white "if I didn't know better, I might think I got married"

"I did get an offer to a god, and since you said you're a god. aren't I, your bribe?" she asks

The boy's face flustered "y-you shouldn't put it like that, y/n is herself after all"

"...oh, is that mean you don't want me?"

"No! I do!... I mean, umm, er...it's...well, agh!" he just stood there confused.

"Are you alright?" she asks, her (e/c) bringing him back to where he is.

"...friend, we go with 'friend' first," he said

"Friend? Friend! Yup, having Barbatos as a friend, I'm happy!" she smiled, making him feel so, so hopeless

"Yes..." he slowly smiles "oh! And y/n don't call me Barbatos in front of other, Call me Venti!" he said

"Venti? Sure, I will call you Venti" again her (e/c) stole his heart once more.

"I..." he can feel his face getting warm the more he looks at her "Let's...go..." he turns his face away to hind his blush.

"Yes," she slightly smiles.

To be continued...

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