Tale 2

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"And so, the two later confirm their feeling and have the most handsome son just like his father. And they all live happily ever after!" the bard finish playing his lyre.


"What do you think? Pretty impressive, rightttttt!!" the bard nudges him.

"It's noooooooot so when you heard them so many times"

The bard look at the boy, speechless "well, my dear son" he sits closer to the boy and put his arm around him "I'd say, it is a beautiful story"

"Ugh" the boy made a disgusting face but the bard laugh instead "you will never know, maybe someday you will find someone who you will go crazy for," said the bard as he laughs

"Heh! Like that day will come!" He huff

"Come here you!" he tries to hug the little boy but the boy pushes him away instead, "Dad! Stop it!" he finally broke free and run far away from him "Hump!"

"Eh~ I'm just trying to give you some love~," the bard said playfully


"Haha! You always like your mother when it comes to giving affection" the bard plays his lyre again looking at the big great tree.

  The little boy look at the bard confuse "mom? really?" he sits closer to the bard "How come I didn't know that?!"

"Would you like to hear it?" he smile

The boy quickly nods with his eyes sparkling looking at the bard.

"Hmmm, where do I start?" he Begins to play his lyre again, the little boy listening closer to him.

  Not so far away from them, there are two people walking by. One has blonde hair with her blue dress and another is a floating girl

"Hm? Is that tone-deaf barb?" said the Flying girl "It is him! and is that (child's name)! We should go say hi!" said the flying girl and she forward fly toward the two sitting.

"PAIMON!!" shout the girl

Back to where the bard and his son, he play his lyre gently,

"Tone deaf bard, (c/n)!!!!!" shouts someone behind them, the boy turns around to meet a flying girl and a blonde hair girl running behind.

"Ah! Lumine and Paimon" he smiles "it's been some time since I last saw you two! How your trip to Inazuma"

"Yeah! yeah! Tell us about your trip!" the little boy said excitedly.

"Yes, it been a while venti and (c/n) and Weeeeeeell the trip... it's was...ok?" she sound like she had a great time but at the same time not.

"Haha!" laugh the barb name, Venti "Look like there another story to listen in"

"Whaaaaaat" the boy whine "but I also want to hear about mom..." he pouts.

"Mom? Y/n?" Paimon look at the two

"Yes! Dad is about to tell me what mom is used to be like!"

"Really? Can Paimon also listen in? Paimon always wanted to know about y/n" Paimon said and fly next to the little boy, sitting next to him.

  The girl name Lumine also dropdown on the ground, waiting to listen in "me too, I heard about her but it would be great to know more about her"

  Venti smiles "Alright! If that is what my audience wants I, Venti the bard shall play this tale" he starts playing his lyre, so gently even some small animal gets close to listening to his song.

Genshin | Ventixreader(F) | A tale to be toldOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora