he just had to be there

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it was a saturday night and you were over at santanas. the two of you recently had watched a marathon of movies and shared sweet lady kisses. you got bored of the cheesy rom com she had put on so you decided to tease her a bit. positioning yourself to where you were on top of her a smirk formed from ear to ear.

"and what do you think you're doing?" she asked with her eyebrow raised. "oh i dunno san." she looked at you lovingly in your eyes "are you trying to seduce me?" she had the biggest smile on her face.

you hated to admit it but you started to catch feelings for her. being your best friend and all you thought the things you two did were "normal".

straddling her you moved any and every hair out of her face so you had a perfect view of her flawless skin. your hands roamed her cheeks as they started turning a rosey red with the feeling of your fingertips gliding over them. she snuggled her face into the palm of your hand and looked at you.

"i want this forever" she paused for a minute and took a deep breath "of course san you know i'll always be here for you-"

"i want us forever" she mumbled underneath her breath. you looked at her with a loss for words. did she really just say she wanted this forever? she brought her hands to her cheeks and hid away from all the embarrassment she was feeling due to the fact you hadn't responded.

removing her hands from her face you pined them to each side of her head. you caught her lips in between yours and gave her the most passionate kiss you two shared. of course you guys had kissed each other before but this one was way different from the rest.

after you pulled out for air she decided to make her dominance known. she bit down on your bottom lip earning a small moan from
you. santana was aggressive but not as aggressive as this.

20 minutes of making out had gone by and you decided to do face masks. before grabbing the masks santana used the restroom. as you walked in you saw she left her phone in there and just as you were telling her she got a text massage. 

"hey puck just texted you"

picking it up you looked at it and you realized they were sexts. she was quick to yank her phone out of your hand as you were processing everything. "what the hell was that?" you questioned the girl that held her phone with a tight grip.

sadness wasn't what you were feeling it was more like anger and betrayal. "santana-" she wasn't responding. she simply just walked into the restroom and started fixing her hair in the mirror.

"i thought you said you two were done- i thought you hated him because of what happened." you rambled on about all the things she told you about the guy and tried to make up excuses for what you saw.

"are you guys back together!?"

pure silence is what was heard. "god dammit santana just fucking answer me" you yelled with tears rushing down your eyes. finally she snapped "I DONT KNOW! okay i don't know"

you froze from pure shock. just twenty minutes ago she was telling you much she loved you now this.

"what does it matter huh? why do you care!" she asked finally looking at you. to say the least the sight of you crying immediately broke her heart, but she had nobody else to blame since she put herself in this situation.

"i actually cared about you-" she couldn't bare to look at you anymore "shit santana i even love you."

"we're just friends y/n" she said ever so coldly.

"just friends?"

"friends don't tell each other that they want them forever or make out from time to time santana. that's not what people who are just friends do."

"don't give me that bullshit you were just talking to finn like a week ago" she told you as she stood across the bed from you. "yeah santana we were just TALKING! i wasnt sexting him while i was telling you how much i loved you!"

this whole situation was overwhelming. you couldn't stand to be in the same room with her. putting the n your shoes and grabbing your stuff she questioned where you were going. "i'm leaving santana." she tried her best to stop you but it didn't work.

"baby please-" she grabbed your arm as you reached for the door knob "don't baby me. i never want to see you again."

your heart shattered into a million pieces just wondering if all that she's told you has been real or fake. only she knows what was real and wasn't.

santana lopez imagines (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now