no one

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glee club held a bakery sale to earn money for the buses and what not for sectionals. everyone was assigned their little jobs. you and santana were assigned the baking part but she requested to get another job. mr shue changed it so now you were left with sam evans.

ever since santana and you stopped sharing sweet lady kisses she's been distant. you told her what you wanted which was a relationship with her but you also weren't going to pressure her into coming out.

she ended everything that night without an explanation why. you could only assume that she got bored and found a new lover or something. all was well because she was still santana.

she returned to making snarky comments about you which wasn't surprising. you gave her space and even decided to move on. of course you would wait for her until she was ready but for now you decided to focus on your friendship.

sam and you were discussing what type of cupcakes y'all would make when santana came up to the two of you. she made a comment on your shoes and you replied with a "good one santana" she walked away as sam laughed.

spending time with sam and hearing his lame voice impressions made you realize how much you really enjoyed his company. he treated you so nicely he would open doors for you and give you his jacket when you were cold. things like that made you catch some sort of feeling for the blonde.

during glee club there was a lot of glaring being shared by you and santana. you wouldn't do it in a malicious way you would simply wave and give her a warm smile. she returned the favor with a such a disgusted look on her face obviously irritated by something.

the day before the bake sale was held you spent it with sam in the home ec room. totally clueless about what a home ec class was you explained it to him while putting the ingredients in a bowl. you made some joke and he grabbed flour and tossed it on your shirt.

noticing where it was going you grabbed a egg and cracked it on his head. two laughing messes were having a ingredient war when you were supposed to be baking. he pulled your hair out of your face and tucked it behind your ear.

you stared into his eyes and got completely lost. connecting your lips you didn't even notice someone walked into the room.
"what the hell?" santana questioned looking at the mess you two made. scrambling out of each other's embraces you told her you were baking.

"i can see that" sam excused himself to go wash up. "do you mind grabbing the cupcake liners on the counter while i mix this?" pointing at the counter behind you to where the things were you began to mix.

she walked over and grabbed them placing them on the counter you had your bowl on. your hair covered your view on her face but you could see she leaned on the counter with her fists close.

as you opened your mouth to speak you felt arms wrap around your waist. "i thought you didn't wan-" she unbuttoned the middle buttons on your button up and let her hands roam your warm body.

you pulled your head back resting it on her shoulder when you felt her touch. "san" trying to catch your breath she kept going. "i don't want to hear that anyone has kissed you, touched you, or that you've been putting out for someone other than me" she leaned down to your ear so you could hear what she was saying better.

"i don't want to touch you knowing trouty mouth or anyone else has done something. got it?" you nodded your head with your eyes still shut with the feeling of her hands on your body once again. removing her hands from inside your shirt she unzipped your pants. her hand was so close but she buttoned it back up because footsteps were coming towards the room.

she started placing the cupcake liners in the pan and you started filling them. sam came back to help and you told him you had everything under control. he was on the other side of the counter as you spoke to him still out of breathe.

"y/n are you okay? you seem flustered" he asked

"oh yeah i'm fine" letting out a deep breath you turned to santana who was laughing.

"we got it fish lips you can leave now"

santana lopez imagines (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now