me and ms lopez

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mr shue called you in to visit the new glee club because he felt as if it was best for them to take notes on a original. you arrived to lima from new york on a tuesday and still heard nothing from santana.

she'd been ignoring your calls and text after the two of you split due to a minor inconvenience. you just wanted to make sure she was doing well and she knew that but still decided not to answer. walking into the choir room so many memories flooded through your mind as you looked at the seats.

you were greeted by a new set of students and got to know a few while you waited for mr shue. they introduced themselves while a few boys whistled. you of course remembered unique and went to say hi to her. just by their introductions you knew there was huge personality's in this room.

you took your usual seat but this time santana wasn't sitting next to you. it was a new cheerio by the name of kitty. she got comfortable quickly and talked about how she knew so much about you and quinn.

she seemed sweet. "so are you seeing anyone?" you turned to look at the girl with a blank expression. "no and i'm way too old for you" pointing your finger out you pushed her face back.

shue came in rambling on about how they were to take notes from you and your performances but the only thing that could come to mind was santana. you could care less about what he was saying you just wanted to make sure she was doing fine.

after class ended kitty caught up to you in the hall. "i'm surprised you and santana aren't together" her ponytail hit your shoulder as she walked beside you. "it didn't work out" she didn't need an explanation on why it didn't.

"i'll see you tomorrow" she said as you exited the doors to go to your parents house.

that night you called and texted santana hoping for a answer. there was still no reply so you called kurt to ask him about her. he gave you the typical santana thing he'd been giving you every time you called. he asked how everything was going and how blaine was and you told him it was great and he was doing fine.

the next day everyone met in the auditorium
so you could do your big performance. walking onto the stage you remembered all the times you and santana would skip and meet there. turning to the side lines you nodded your head signaling them to play the music.

the instrumental of me and mr jones played throughout the auditorium as you sang. your eyes got watery making it hard for you to see. as you wiped them you heard the auditorium door open. when you opened your eyes you saw santana sitting in the audience.

damn you kurt. of course you wanted to see her but not now. plus you started to fancy kittys company. finishing the song you let a tear fall everyone started clapping while you wiped it. sniffling before you said thank you mr shue congratulated you on your performance.

santana was also clapping too. you sat on the stage while mr shue asked everyone if they understood what to do. "yeah look hot like y/n" santana's head quickly turned to see kitty winking at you. by the face she made you could tell snixx came to pay a visit. "santana was also able to make it so tomorrow you will take notes on her performance as well" as everyone exited the auditorium you stayed behind by the piano.

you heard footsteps coming towards you turning your head you were met by kitty. "you did so good out there. maybe you could teach me how to sing as good as you" you looked down at her hand that now rested on your arm and smiled.

"of course i'd love to" you thought nothing of it she just wanted a mentor. "if you don't mind gremlin i needs to speak to y/n" the blonde turned her head to see santana standing with her arms crossed. she turned back to face you and slid a piece of paper into your pocket.

"here's my number" she walked off of the stage with her head held high. "that bitch is pure evil" santana said walking to stand in her spot. "i think she's nice"

"only because she wants to get into your pants" she looked you up and down. she grabbed the paper that sticked of your pocket and opened it. she read out kittys number and the xoxo love kitty at the end.

she looked up from the paper and raised her eyebrow. "what she asked me to help her with her singing" you told her with open arms. she let out a mmmhm. "whatever. what happened to you i called you like i don't know how many times and no answer" she stayed silent.

"shit i even called kurt"

"i know. he'd tell me every time too him and rachel gave me a lecture on how i needed to call you because you were worried or something so i came here" a few tears fell where as for some they glided down your cheeks.

"i thought something had happened or you had hated me forever" you broke down crying right in front of her. something you didn't want to do but instead you wiped your tears and the new ones that were coming.

you felt a gust of wind hit your chest as she hugged you. she apologized for everything as she buried her face into your shoulder. " well if it isn't sand bags and whatever your name is" pulling out of the hug you saw coach sue and the cheerios coming into the auditorium.

"unless you reserved the auditorium for these hours which you didn't i'd advise you to leave" becky backed her up. "it's nice to see you haven't changed" she chuckled as you grabbed your things to leave.

santana lopez imagines (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now