Balrok And Valdova

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We open on a path where human and elf children are playing tag as a half orc in a midnight blue coat with a red velvet inside. He has two leather straps on his chest that makes an x and a very wrinkly shirt over it. He has a platinum Pata on his side and walks in with a long Blackwood staff with a small light blue duck on the top of the staff. He has bright orange hair tied into a very messy ponytail. He walks into town as the children decide to follow him. They tap his leg

Balrok: Hello there little ones

Child 1: What's your name?

Child 2: Is that Duck yours?

Child 3: Have you always had green skin?

Child 4: Why is your hair so orange?

Balrok: That's a lot of questions for one person

Benson: Benson happy to see you talk to someone for once!

Balrok: Thank you Benson. My name is Balrok. Yes, the duck is mine. His name is Benson

Benson: Benson says hi!

Balrok: And yes he speaks like that and I don't know how to fix that. I am a half-orc and the orange hair runs in the family. Now pray tell, where is a good respite?

The children point to the Dragon's Breath Tavern

Balrok: Thank you children. Usually children are scared of me but this is a nice change for once.

The children smile and laugh as their parents call the kids over to them.

Mother: Come on kids! Dinner!

The kids run over as Balrok waves to the mother and she smiles. For once, Balrok feels at peace here. He walks to the Dragon's Breath tavern where he is greeted to a very different landscape. People are drinking and laughing and enjoying the stories of someone at the bar, a man in fine satin clothes with golden decals. The man's hair is pure gold and the man's skin is that of a Galaxy. He has a jade rod on his back as he tells a story, very overdramatized

Valdova: ...and once the beast reached me, I tore his tusks clean off! The crowd cheers The beast stopped and I looked towards the beast and said 'Godspeed creature, I wish not to hurt you...' The crowd dies down for dramatic tension. The man smiles 'But I must slay you anyways!!' The crowd roars in excitement to the tale And thus was the tale of me, Valdova Quyerzia, and the mad boar of Demonfield!

Crowd: Huzzah!

They all laugh

Valdova: Haha... Well gentlemen, I must be off. The vigilant must get their rest before their next adventure in Ugan!

The crowd disperses in a merry mood as Balrok stands where the crowd was, perplexed at Valdova

Balrok: You are quite a storyteller

Valdova: Thank you mister?

Balrok: Balrok of Kia. You are Valdova Quyerzia are you not?

Valdova: Yes it is good sir! What do you need from me, kind sir?

Balrok: Um, I just wanted to say I've never seen a boar the size of a, what did you say it was again?

Valdova: The size of a castle!

Balrok: Yeah, I call bullshit

Valdova: WHAT?! You dare question the stories of a famed adventurer?

Benson: Benson has never heard of you before
Valdova: *sigh*I may have stretched the truth a bit, but I did it because people around here live mundane lives. I make one story up and it makes the people here happy! I worked hard to be where I am at and to make people happy is the pleasure of being who I am

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