Chapter 2: It Lives

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Some months had passed since the attack at the arcade. All was quiet it the Branwen household... Yeah, like that would every happen. Yang remembered the incident as if it had happened yesterday, but Vao... Well, it's Vao. He already forgot about it.

"Cardin, stop cheating!" Vao hollered, tapping furiously on his game controller. Cardin just laughed.

"Dude, you suck at video games!"

"He does," Y/N agreed from Vao's bed. He wore a sly smile on his face, knowing full well he was getting on his brother's nerves. "Vao has no skills."

"I have a skill!" Vao shrieked. "I can out drink every single one of you!"

"Wanna bet money on that?" Qrow slurred from the floor. Vao didn't respond, which only made Qrow snicker. "Coward..."

"Uncle Qrow, please don't put Vao in the hospital..." Ruby groaned. Yang was sitting on her bed, texting her friends on her scroll.

"Actually," the blonde started. "Vao seems to function better when he's drunk. He actually read his first words a couple days ago."

"I MISSED THAT!?" Y/N wailed in despair. Ruby giggled.

"Vao still can't read..." She snickered.

"Can't even get a girl..." Cardin added.

Vao seemed very cross. "... You guys are assholes... And I did get a girl last weekend, Cardin."

"Oh yeah? Who?"

"Your mother. Tell her I said thanks for charging me only a buck and a half."

That set Cardin off. He stopped playing nice against Vao, unleashing a series of combos that decimated his health bar throughout three dozen rounds.

"Wha... What the hell just happened...?" Vao breathed. He was in utter shock, something that made Y/N feel warm inside. He always liked seeing Vao lose his cocky attitude. Of course, it would be back within the next few hours.

"You just got destroyed is what happened," Y/N laughed. Vao set the controller down, his face showing just how much disbelief he was in. "... I think I need a drink..." He muttered, popping the cap from his flask and taking a half-hearted sip from the tin. Y/N picked up the controller.

"I guess it's my turn, then."

"Finally, a challenge," Cardin grinned.

As they played, Yang was checking her social media. All her friends were getting accepted into Beacon. She had gotten in, too. She hadn't said anything, not really wanting to disturb the peace. That's what Vao was for.

"How the fuck did I get accepted?" He asked. He was looking at his scroll in confusion. Everyone stopped what they were doing and looked at him. Even Qrow looked sober.

"Hey..." Ruby started, but she trailed off. Qrow pointed at his nephew, a proud look crossing his face.

"He... He..."

"Just read his scroll..." Y/N finished. Cardin paused the game and leaned over, his face falling into disappointment.

"No, there's just a big green checkmark..."

A collective groan filled the room, and Vao tried to save himself. "Oi, I totally read that!" He growled angrily. The lie was obvious in his voice. Seeing nobody believed him, he threw his hands I. The air and stood up. "Whatever, guys! Ha ha, I can't read! There's plenty of seventeen year olds who can't freaking read!"

"No, Vao... Most seventeen year olds can read books with five hundred pages..." Y/N sighed. Vao's jaw dropped, and his face went pale with utter horror.

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