Eleven: Judgey

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    "What do you mean?" I ask him quietly. "I love you Indi, I really do" he says looking down and fiddling with his hands. "I know that Nate. What's going on?" I ask him. "What do you see for your future?" He asks me. "Honesty?" I ask back at him not sure if I should tell him what I really want. He nods.

    "I want to get the fuck out of this shitty town, I want to eventually have kids-" I say. "How many?" He interrupts. "Like three. I want to go to college and get a degree in hopefully the medical field but if not then business. And I want to do all that with you there for me" I say grabbing one of his hands. It's quiet for a few seconds like he's not sure what to say.

    "I'm going to hold you back from those things" he says to me quietly. "Stop all this bullshit" I tell him and I stand up. He looks up at me as I stand in front of him with my arms crossed. "What is up with this? On our anniversary?" I ask trying to keep my chill. Nate just shakes his head. "Your fucking presents are in my bag" I say moving away from him and throwing on sweatpants. "You cant leave Indi" Nate says as I grab the door handle. "Hell I can" I say swinging the door open. "While you get it through your head that we are good for each other and wont hold each other back, Ill be out and back in an hour or some shit" I say walking out the door.

    I'm not sure where I'm headed especially since I'm in Nate's truck.

    I'm driving around when I find a little convenience store gas station. I pull in and park the truck.

    I walk into the little store and look around. I look around and find some powdered donuts. After getting the donuts I go on up to the register and find no one there. "Hello?" I ask throughout the store. "How can I-" A voice starts but stops. I turn around and find Fezco.

    "Fuck" I mumble under my breath. "Sorry didnt know you owned this" I tell him turning around to leave. "It's chill, let me ring you up" He says. I turn back around and set the snack on the counter.

    "Nate?" I ask walking back into the house around 2 hours later. I walk past the living room and into the kitchen to find Nate sitting on one of the chairs in the kitchen with the open gifts around him on the table.

    "Nate?" I ask again. He turns towards me slowly in his chair. He's still taller than me when he's sitting in a chair but barely. I just stand there looking at him not sure what to do.

    He opens his arms right as I'm about to speak.

    "I'm sorry" he says with a sadden look on his face. "Just don't doubt us again please" I say walking into his open arms and wrapping mine around his neck.

    "Did you like the gifts?" I ask him as I pull away from our hug. "You shouldn't have got that" He says shaking his head and smiling. He's referring to the Hawaii plane tickets. "Yeah but we need it" I tell him. "When are we even going to have time?" He asks me. "Christmas break" I respond.

"Are you staying?" Nate asks me as we sit on the couch cuddling. "Do you want me to?" I ask in response. "Indi that's a stupid question" Nate half jokes. "Wanna head up? I'm falling asleep" I ask lifting my head off of his chest.

"Nate-" Aaron says barging into Nate's bedroom. "What the fuck Aaron?" Nate shouts causing his brother to leave the room.  "Well that was a nice way to wake up" I say sarcastically as I sit up. "I'm sorry, he wasn't supposed to be home till later" Nate tells me. "It's fine" I say to him before leaning in to kiss Nate's lips.

"I love you" he says quietly as we pull apart from our kiss. He seems to be saying this a lot for some reason and I cant quite think of why. "I love you too" I say in response.

"What did y'all do last night?" Nate's mother asks from the kitchen. Oh you know had sex, drank alcohol, had a party, possibly did some light drugs, you know the norm. But I didn't really say that. "Just rented some movies and hung out in the living room before I went to the guest bedroom and she took my room" Nate tells his mother. The guest bedroom, really Nate? We've been dating for 4 years and he still acts like I'm his little secret around his parents.

"You still haven't slept in the same bed together?" His mother questions. She always gets a little personal sometimes. "Mom its not appropriate for me to talk to you about this stuff" he groans. "So?" She says. "I'm your son, its weird" he tells her before walking back up the stairs to where I assume is going to be the bathroom.

"Nate?" I ask walking into his bedroom. I hear water from the bathroom so I'm pretty sure he's in there. I walk into the bathroom to see Nate just standing looking at himself in the mirror.

"What's wrong?" I ask him also placing a hand on his back. "Just her. She's always so judgey" he informs me. "It'll be alright" I comfort him. He stands there for a minute with his hands gripping the counter top.

"Nate we shouldn't" I say as his hand makes its way down my body. "Come on, its fine" he says resuming kissing my neck. "Nate. No" I say to him. He stops kissing my neck and looks at me.

"What?" He asks. "Nate your parents are here, that wouldn't feel right" I tell him. "So? We've done it before" He says crossing his arms. "Don't act like that Nate. That's unnecessary" I tell him opening the door and walking out of the bathroom.

𝙐𝙣𝙩𝙤𝙪𝙘𝙝𝙖𝙗𝙡𝙚| 𝒩𝒶𝓉𝑒 𝒥𝒶𝒸𝑜𝒷𝓈Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora