Chapter 6: Pick Up Lines

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Some people have said that this is like "It's like Monopoly but Physical" and they're right. I read that story and it inspired me to write this book. If it really bothers you that they are similar then you don't have to read it.

But my story is going to have a very different route than "It's like Monopoly but Physical".

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Stacy's POV

I woke up the next day and rolled over in my bed, smiling happily.

I had accidentally left the window open so the sun was pouring in my room and warming my uncovered body.

Wait, why is the sun coming in from so high in the sky? I turned to my clock and cursed. It’s 12:41 already! Matt was going to be so angry at me! Sadly, I’m always late when it comes to Matt, but it’s just coincidence, I promise!

I pushed myself out of the bed and ran to the bathroom, throwing off my sweats and shirt before jumping in the shower and turning on the water. I quickly scrubbed in some shampoo before rinsing it out and washing my body. I shaved my legs quickly before stepping out and drying off.

It was only 12:52 now, a new record for me. I ran into my room and slipped on my swimsuit then some of the jeans I had cut off to make shorts. Rummaging through my drawer and throwing clothes on the floor I finally found a short sleeve grey v-neck.

I slipped on the shirt and stuffed my phone in my back pocket. The clothes I had packed for today were lying on my desk in my favorite Beatles bag. I threw it over my shoulder and ran out the door and down the stairs.

“I’m going to Icy mom! Be back tomorrow!” I yelled, slipping on some sandals and closing the door behind me.

My feet slapped against the sidewalk as I raced down the street and towards Matt’s house. He was only a few minutes away so taking my car would be pointless.

I finally ran across the street and fell onto the door knocking. My support disappeared causing me to fall over and look up at a cheeky Matt.

“Hey, Stacy!” he grinned.

I panted on the ground, holding out a hand for him to help me up. When I was finally standing and looking at him I smiled.

“Hey Matt,” I said, breathlessly.

He smiled and grabbed my wrist pulling me behind him into the back where all the guys were waiting. Kyle, Owen, Matt and Lance were there as well as some other guys that weren’t in our immediate group of friends. So over all there were about fifteen guys there including the only girls (Catherine, Tracy, and Jessica).

Luckily, none of the guys had invited Barbie’s so there wouldn’t be any whining. Actually, I take that back, the boys have been known to whine pretty easily.

“You’re late, Stacy,” Lance taunted, standing up and hugging me.

“Sorry, I woke up late,” I explained, smiling at all the guys.

“You just couldn’t wake up from the dream you were having about me, could you?” Jake asked from his sprawled out position on a lawn chair.

I rolled my eyes and walked over to him ‘accidentally’ kicking his chair over. All the guys laughed at Jake’s expression before he tackled me and started pinching my ribs.

“Aaaaaaahhh! Stop!” I screamed, thrashing around on the grass.

He finally got off of me and helped Matt carry the cooler out of the house.

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