Chapter 5- finally found

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After a restless, cold night on top of a rooftop, the morning came.

J and Theo were unanimously, genuinely optimistic for the day, the weather seemed to agree as the rain finally decided to stop yet the sun hid behind a cloud, uncertain if it would come out to shine. She sighed and prayed that by tomorrow they would be safe and protected by the Avengers.

She walked along the streets following the map with the route to the Avengers tower she printed off the day before. It reminded her of weeks before when they used the one to escape through Hell's door. After fifty minutes of getting lost through the confusing twists, they finally reached the skyscraper and stopped to gape.

The tower appeared as though it soared above the clouds as though it was the mythical heavens many dreamed about visiting. Its complex shape stood out like a diamond amongst the dirt of its competitors in their dull rectangular forms. Near the head of the tower, the letter of the glowing 'A' illuminated the sky like a lighthouse beacon of hope for those who needed it, it shone so luminously J was astounded that they hadn't noticed its presence until now.

Her head swam with excitement and nervousness. She was scared, not just at the thought of being turned away but at the idea of having to talk and ask for help from total strangers. She shook her head firmly, she just had to go for it and hope for the best. If she thought about it any longer she was sure she would back out and flee back to the streets.

"Ready Thee?"

"No, are you?"

"Not in the slightest She tittered anxiously. "Think good thoughts"

"Always do"

Taking a deep breath, J shakily walked into the looming building. Inside was busy, adults in high-end suits hustled in and out in a hurry, phones nearby rang without pause, beeps of the security system were rhythmic as security cards were scanned and cleared to enter the building.

There were many in line waiting to start their day, their clothes were completely unspoiled of dirt and mud, their hair untangled and styled without a single strand out of place, they all had an air of importance and it was clear they all belonged there.

J looked at her dirty shoes, they were glaringly different to the polished floor beneath them. Glancing back up, she flinched as she caught sight of many strange looks from those in the line, some wrinkled their noses in disgust, others frowned with confusion or concern, most simply glanced towards her before averting their eyes like one would do to a beggar on the street.

Whatever the look was, one thing was clear, she didn't belong here.

She clenched her hands and stumbled forward. She would hate herself if she gave up now, she had to at least give it a go. No matter how she loathed it. There was a large desk at the edge of the room, J figured that she should go there to inquire about the heroes.

"Can I help you?" The man at the front desk asked with a snobbish, patronising voice as she drew near. The cold look in his eyes was the same as those in the lab, it made whatever bravery she had diminished within a moment.

"W-well I-I, you s-see" J stammered wringing her hands.

"Stop stammering, I haven't got all day. I'm extremely busy" the man sharply cut her off, clearly not caring about her dishevelled state.

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