Chapter 3- Lost but free

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Waking up was hard.

Sleep was too tempting. Most of the time, it was peaceful, away from the problems life could randomly throw. Most people's problems were simple, and everyone faced them at some point in their lives: bills, jobs, grades, friends, family, existential crises.

J, however, could only wish and hope her problems would be that simple one day. She sighed, slightly repositioning herself, remembering her amazing dream of escaping her torturous lab.

'If only that was real' 

She groggily decided she would get up in five minutes when the door to her cell slammed open, and a band of soldiers came in to kick her awake. Sleep started to gently lull her back into its depths. She shivered at a sudden gust of air and felt movement on her stomach, then a gasp, and then she was being shaken with a barrage of excited exclamations by her ear.

"J! J! We did it. We're free!" Theodore cheered, gleefully jumping up and down on her stomach, unable to contain his excitement.

J bolted up in realisation, and as a result, Theodore fell to the ground with a yelp. Her mouth gaped with disbelief as she took in her surroundings. They appeared to be under a structure of a large, weathered, concrete and metal bridge; the state of it wasn't very appealing, its concrete pillars were beginning to crack and the metal was rusting away; the bridge's original purpose was long since abandoned and as a result tree roots and leaves were beginning to take over the structure as if mother nature was trying to show that no matter how much humans built over her, she would always win in the end.

The girl moved her gaze away from the bridge to where she could see the sky. It was a chilly day, the overcast sky was constantly battling against the clearings of the blue wanting to submerge it with clouds of white and grey. The sun was hidden, though J could still feel its presence with its slight beams that were able to escape the grasp of the clouds and light them up brightly with yellows and oranges.

Below, the cold, untamed river cut through the land like a knife; eroding anything that dared move into its path. The plant life beside the water was no doubt overgrown, weeds and shrubs were trying to constantly squeeze into spaces between rocks and slowly join the battle to take the deserted bridge above. Trees around the river were few and scattered, lonely yet standing proud with little competition for the sun. The yawning wind made their leaves dazzle and shiver with a display of crimson scattering and painting the ground to mark Autumn's arrival.

To most, the sight was mediocre at best but to J it was beautiful. For this was the first time she was really seeing the world for what it was, not imagining it while staring at drawings in colourless books. She shivered slightly, relishing in the wind against her skin.

"This isn't a dream?" She whispered disbelievingly, though she knew the answer, that her dreams were never as real or delightful as this.

"Not a dream!" Theo exclaimed, laughing and rolling around on the ground, causing mud to cake his fur.

She gripped the grass below her for a moment trying to make herself believe it was really real, it was muddy and waterlogged from the cruel river, when she burrowed her hands, it infected them with its muck but she didn't care. Right now, she didn't care about anything.

"It's real" she murmured. "I can't believe it, we're actually out!" J breathed with a trembling smile, pulling Theo close, the mud coating his fur rubbing onto her thin clothing.

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