Quote 160

206 9 2

The Queen is dead. Long live the evil queen.

-Evil Queen

Ok so what I was talking about before with all the apples I have another thing about apples (why am I talking about apples so much today???? Lol)

Ok so my (maybe) friend she told me today that she doesn't like Once Upon a Time and yes there is something wrong about her. Anyways it was lunch and I had a red apple on my tray at lunch (no I never eat them). I said to her,"So. You don't like Once Upon a Time?" She nodded her head so I picked my the red apple and looked at her evil like and said,"Well, would you like a red apple from me?" She took it and threw it across the cafeteria. It landed in someone's table so they picked it up and took a bite of it.

Sorry that was a lot to read didn't realize it would take a while.

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