Chapter One

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A young teenage boy lays there, almost motionless, on the snow-dusted ground. His white hair would have almost made him blend him, if it was not for the fact the of the scarlet red blood that stained the virgin white snow, changing's pure colour to one of fear and death. A light, almost 'fluffy' small snowflake landed upon the pale skin of the teenager, which made him sturr and open up his deep grey eyes. He blinked a few times, trying to focus upon the black, starry night sky above him, before he then tried to move at all.

"What happened? Where am I?"

He spoke with a soft tone to his voice, as if he was pained but at the same time trying to remain strong willed and ignore it. The boy then slowly began to sit up, wincing with a pain buried within his side / hip area, looking at what horrors surrounded whilst he'd been lead down. The area that surrounded him was covered with thick, deep red blood and bodies. Pile upon pile of bodies, most with deep lacerations to their necks; chests, shoulders, just generally all across their bodies, this sight lone struck fear into the young males heart, before he'd even come up against the greatest form of fear yet.  Upon the furthest pile lay the torso of a girl, only young. Her eyes were wide with fear, pain and distress, though the direction of her  sight was aimed straight at the young male. He stared with wide eyes at the girl, before it then finally sunk in who the young girl actually was.

He shakily breathed out, now raising to his feet, but unable to walk at all, as it felt like his feet were almost glued tightly to the ground, preventing any movement from happening, despite as much as he tried to move his now, heavy legs.
"N-No.. Hinami..Why?" His voice changed to one of pain and hurt, unable to stop his quivering tone from taking over his once strong voice, instead it now had crumbled and fallen to one of pain and hurt.

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