Chapter Two

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After minutes of standing, staring at the torso who he once knew as to be his 'little sister' but now was nothing more that a peice of meat upon a pile of other meat, Kaneki was finally able to stumble forward and walk towards her direction. As he neared the young girl, he could see parts of her shrivelled Kagune upon the blood soaked snow below his feet, as well as her destroyed, torn lower body beneath the pile of other bodies where her torso was on top. Her torso still had bones and skin that would have been attached to others parts of her body, as well as organs, such as intestines, stomach and liver,  that needed the rest of her body to function, work and survive.  As he edged closer to the ruins that he called 'Hinami', he felt something beneath his foot, so hesitantly he looked down and raised his foot slowly.

But to his horror, what was beneath his foot was in fact her eye. Her left eye to be exact. The eye itself was still fully formed to have it's ghoulish exterior, as if to suggest she had tried to protect herself from her attacker, but had failed and then ended up torn and thrown upon one of the piles as a result. His whole body shook, with fear and anger. The anger stemed from the fact he didn't protect her like a 'big brother' should have; he wasn't there to save her, he had failed her. With this in mind, the boy backed away slowly, only to step upon more flesh, which he couldn't be sure of it's original owner anylonger due to the many other piles that surrounded him. As he looked up from the ground he was met, yet again, by Hinami's fearful, distressed and pained look that was within her eye, this then caused him to shriek and cry out with fear and sorrow.

"Hinami... I... I'm sorry! I'm so sorry..."

He turned away from her, unable to look into her eye without fear of breaking down, though he was already at that point since tears flooded down his cheeks and fell silently down to the ground. As he turned around, he saw a sheet, blood stained and covered with a now pink snow. It was obvious that the sheet was covering or hiding something upon the wall. With a small amount of hesitation, he stumbled over there, taking a deep before he even dared to pull the sheet from it's hook.

What he pulled the sheet back too see, would strike fear into anyone's heart, but it struck the most fear and sorrow into his already damaged and weak heart. He tried to turn away and forget that he saw this god awful sight, but how could he do that, when the being underneath the sheet meant so much to him...

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