"I mean, you're shutting me out again! Yesterday you were sweet, loving... you were the woman I fell back in love with. You're not the same, I can see it in your eyes; I can see it on your face. Now you're ju-" Katelynne cut me off before I could finish my accusation.

"Kellin, calm down! So what if I push you away? You can't control the feelings I have for you, or should I say lack thereof. I don't love you like I loved you yesterday," Katelynne retorted sharply. I felt hurt flash like she'd slapped me, but the hurt quickly transformed into rage. We'd never openly fought about our differences before, and it almost felt good to get it all out.

"I've been nothing but good to you! We loved each other so much just last night, just last week, and now you're acting like this horrible person!" I shouted at her. A realization I couldn't identify flashed on Katelynne's face, but before she could respond, a small face peeked out from the doorway.

"Daddy?" Copeland asked softly, sounding scared. All the anger spilled out of me at the sight of my sweet little daughter. I went over to her and picked her pajama-clad body up.

"Hey, darling," I murmured, kissing the top of her head. She looked up over my shoulder questioningly at Katelynne.

"Mama?" Copeland inquired in surprise. A look of what seemed like guilt illuminated Katelynne's eyes, but it was gone as soon as she blinked.

"Yes, it's Mama. Good morning," Katelynne cooed, taking Copeland from my arms and kissing her cheek. I'd swear she whispered 'I missed you', but I must've imagined it.

"Hey, I'm going to head over to the Pierce The Veil house. I really need to talk to Vic," I told Katelynne. Vic was always helpful when my marriage went to shit, and somehow it seemed like we were headed that way again.

"Actually I need to go too, to talk to Tony and Vic. Do you want a sitter for Coco?" she replied. All the anger was buried under false cheeriness, and it frightened me.

"Uh, no, just bring her along," I responded. Katelynne hurried out of the room, Copeland in tow to get her dressed. I wondered briefly why Katelynne needed to go to talk to the guys, but I didn't dwell on it. I didn't understand my wife at all these days. I really had to talk to my best friend about the immediate disappearance of love from my relationship.

Vic's POV

I didn't know if I should be relieved or distraught over switching back into my own body. It was so heartbreaking waking up in my own room and realizing that Kellin wasn't just down the hall, or even still sleeping next to me.

"Vic!" Tony yelled from outside my door, banging on it. I groaned, rolling out of bed onto a surprisingly clean floor that Katelynne obviously had a hand in. I definitely preferred waking up to Kellin's gentle kisses than my bandmates screaming at me.

"What?" I asked moodily. Tony's eyes were wide with confusion, and the mild fear in them snapped me awake.

"Is this really you?" Tony hesitated, reaching out to touch my arm as though that would somehow confirm who was in the body.

"Yeah, it's me. I have no idea how, but it is. How did you know?" I questioned curiously.

"The Quinn's are downstairs. I think we need to talk about... all this," Tony informed me awkwardly.

"Vic, I need to talk to you now," Kellin ordered with no small amount of sass as soon as I set foot downstairs a few minutes later.

"Actually, I need to talk to Tony, so that works out fine," Katelynne said. Tony and I exchanged glances before peeling off, Tony and Katelynne going outside and Kellin and I going back up to my room. Jaime turned the TV to keep Copeland entertained in the living room, although he seemed confused as to why they all just arbitrarily showed up at our house.

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