Chapter 4- Good morning Daphne

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'Good morning' Daphne says softly whilst opening the curtains and letting a beam of sun fall on across your face.

You're sharing a dorm with just Daphne this year instead of all the other Slytherin girls in your year, like you had the previous two years. It's a little less exciting but, you're grateful to wake up to a glowing smile and kind eyes, which Daphne always seems to be able to provide, even when she's in a bitter mood.

'Good morning roomie' you say, smiling back at her.

She ties her night robe around herself tightly, shivering in the morning air.

Pansy ended up sharing a dorm with Daphne's sister, Astoria and Tracey Davis this year and as ever Blaise and Draco are roommates.

Suddenly you're both startled by a loud knocking on the door.

'Gosh Pansy, calm down we're coming' Daphne says, addressing the thudding.

Pansy stomps in, glaring at you as she notices you're still in bed.

'Hurry, we're going to be late for breakfast.'

She grabs your robes and throws them over your pyjamas whilst you clumsily step into your boots. You don't even have time to lace them up before she pulls you both out into the hall and you stumble down to breakfast.

'Wait! Guys I left my scarf!' Daphne shouts running back to the dorms.

'Lets just meet her there' Pansy says to you, impatiently.

Breakfast is followed by a busy day of classes.

'Greengrass, Parkinson, (y/s/n)' Snape acknowledges you all begrudgingly, as you walk into potions, we're barely even a minute late but he's always feeling sour for some reason you think to yourself.

'Sorry professor' we chant sheepishly, taking our seats at the back of the class.

Snape clears his throat.

'Back to what I was saying, can someone please tell me the difference between monkshood and wolfsbane?'

The rest of the day goes on slowly until, your last class, Defence Against the Dark Arts.

I love you to the moon(y) and back. Reader x Remus Lupin.Where stories live. Discover now