Chapter 1- In my own company.

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Rain taps gently against the window, an icy draft hitting your rosy cheeks. You wake up alone, under sage satin bedding, enclosing your body in a cocoon of comfort and warmth. You slip out of bed and feel the contrast of the cold wooden floor and the soft carpet as you walk across the room from your bed to the mirror and look at yourself. You are met with soft skin and shiny (y/h/c) hair that falls against your face.

There is a loud crash from downstairs you and go to open your door, to investigate the noise. The paint of the wooden door is chipping and the latch is broken but it feels like home. As your hand caresses the handle, you are hit with a gentle breeze, carrying the scent of fresh pancakes.

You follow the grey walls and rugged staircase down to the kitchen, seeing a frustrated looking Sirius standing by the stove, attempting to flip the same pancake for the third time. He's wearing a worn down night gown, letting the top of his chest tattoos peek through.

'How's my third-year, ray of sunshine today?' he says as you carefully sit yourself down on one of the rickety stools by the kitchen island.

'Hungry' you say reluctantly as Sirius passes you a plate of pancakes.

Some are burnt whilst others are underdone but Sirius has put in so much effort; caring for you all summer; so you pour over some syrup and start eating.

Despite the unappetising look, once the fluffy pancake hits your tongue you are pleasantly surprised with a wave of maple and caramel flavours, all well balanced with a touch of butter and saltiness.

Sirius chuckles at you as you begin to chow down.

'You've always had a big appetite' he says, 'ever since I adopted you, you've been the same way.'

You roll your eyes at him.

'It's not my fault that you only make a good meal once in a blue moon.' you reply 'The rest of the time when I'm here, I'm practically starving.'

He laughs again at this, as usual, finding your bluntness very amusing.

'Have you packed your bags (y/n)? It's nearly time to go to the station'

You nod and he goes to retrieve your trunk from upstairs whilst you finish your breakfast. He returns shortly and you hear Sirius chanting,

'Amato Animo Animato Animagus'

Before transforming into a large black dog.

Your hair sticks up in shock. You've lived with Sirius for years now but his animagus transformation still takes you by surprise from time to time.

Once you've adjusted you pick up your trunk and walk outside. The September breeze in London is warm on your skin and you stand patiently with Sirius in the midday sunshine, waiting for a cab to hail.

Not all drivers are keen on travellers bringing pets into the taxi with them but, most Londoners have become used to passengers with dogs, and your petite black cat, Perseus, is particularly astute, acting subtly and going practically unnoticed by the driver.

You arrive shortly at Kings Cross Station and exit the cab with your trunk and various animals, leaving the driver a generous tip for putting up with the smell of wet dog from Sirius and the trace of cat hair left by Perseus.

You look for your usual quiet spot behind a waiting-room wall and Sirius trots along behind you.

Once out of sight from the public, he transforms back into his human self.

Suddenly, you find yourself clasped in strong arms and you breathe his scent in. He smells of old books and French cigars, a musk that may off-put others, but to you, it smells like heaven.

You know he wishes he could see you off on the Hogwarts Express like all the other parents do, and you would kill for that but nonetheless, you are more than grateful for your relationship with him. After all he broke out of Azkaban, notoriously arduous to escape, just to care for you after discovering you had been left in a miserable, desolate orphanage, in the care of callous muggles.

You step back in attempt to break the nostalgia and stop the tears beginning to well up in your eyes.

Sirius's cold blue eyes are presented with a warm smile.

'You'd better run along now, don't want to miss the train' he says quietly, trying not to let you hear the break in his voice.

'Goodbye Sirius'

'Until we meet again, Sunshine'

And just like that you were all alone again.

(Rawr Hope you liked it: Tysm to my bestie for helping me edit this chapter)

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