His Omega , for sure he got lucky to have such a beautiful omega also a male omega which are said to be rare . Those shiny eyes he wants to get lost in them , how much he wants to run into the room and have the Omega in his arms but he can't and he won't . Not after that-

He shook his head throwing out all those thoughts closing his eyes slowly falling to sleep with that beautiful face running in his mind


The morning came soon Taehyung found himself alone in the bed maybe younger is already outside. He walked towards the bathroom doing his morning routine when a sudden realization hit him , he doesn't have any clothes. He slowly walked outside i search of someone just to be meet with two red eyes gawking at him scaring him for a second , it was non other than his Alpha's

"Oa Omega ! What are you doing here" the deep voice send shiver down his spine making him squirm

"I-i was looking for Jiminie" he said with small voice but loud enough for the Alpha to hear

"And why so?" The Alpha asked again slowly walking towards the brunnet making him shrink down alittle not in fear but in submission . The Alpha was having fun watching the younger feel small infront of his dominant character

"I don't have clothes to change so" the brunnet said with acute pout now because he wasn't liking the way Alpha was interrogating him early in the morning

"Stay here " saying it the Raven walked away as the brunnet watched him walking away once again with a small huff leaving out his mouth

He saw the Raven walk towards him now with something on his hands

"Wear this and come down to the kitchen"

"Thank you Alpha" the brunnet said with a big smile on his face making the Alpha dazed out on his beautiful smile . It was getting hard for him not to cocoon the cute brunnet in his arms and smooch him all over the face but his grumpy ass controlled his emotions walking away once again making the smaller pout at his behavior

"He didn't even pat taetae on his head like mama. Taetae even said thank you as a good boy *hmmp* the younger was sulking because he didn't get patting but the grumble of his stomach brought him to realization that he was hungry . He ran towards the bathroom having a good shower and wearing the clothes his Alpha gave him , he sniffed the shirt bringing closer to his nose

Lavender with a hint of chocolate, he felt tingly sensation in his body as he inhaled the smell, the smell of his Alpha which was providing him sense of warmth and safety.

He walked down on those baggy clothes of Alpha which were too big for him but also comforting. He went towards kitchen as he heard a sequel of awwe coming out of everyone at how cute the brunnet was looking

 He went towards kitchen as he heard a sequel of awwe coming out of everyone  at how cute the brunnet was looking

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Let's say this what he was wearing.... ignore unnecessary items okie

Jungkook had his mouth opened as how cute the younger was looking on bis clothes. They were so big and so cute on him.

"Awww taetae you look so cute bubba come here lemme give you a hug" Jimin walked towards him caging him into a big hug making younger giggle at his sweetness as YeonJun hugged him too wishing good morning as his Alpha pulled him away in his own arms making the Beta giggle softly

"Thank you Jiminie"

"Isn't that Hyung's clothes"

"Yeah he said he doesn't have anything to wear so I gave him those" the male said walking away from there to the kitchen as he wasn't ready to give answer of any more questions and he was grumpy to see his omega getting hugged by others

"Come bear I made your favorite strawberry pancakes "

Everyone started to have breakfast as YeonBin couple went out together and brunnet was watching after some time Jimin went out too to wake his sleepy cat from his deep slumber leaving two young hearts together

"Oa Omega" the brunnet once again heard the deep voice calling him but what was with this oa oa , isn't it weird he thought but he was too scared to voice it out so he looked towards the direction where the male was standing watching him


"Don't go out anywhere without my permission. If you need to go somewhere ask me first I'll be at my office room " he said making the younger nod

"Ummm....." The younger was now looking at the Raven

"Just ask what you want" the Raven said with a little cold tone but wasn't that harsh

"What is your name" the brunnet was now looking at him with big curious eyes that was shining so cute , his beauty was irresistible don't know how the Raven was even able to control himself , he was proud of his sense of control

"Jungkook , Jeon Jungkook "

"Can I call you kookie"

"No " well that wasn't the answer brunnet was hoping which made him slump as his lower lip puckered out forming a cute big pout and those glittery eyes was somehow sad now which made Raven's heart slump too

"Okay call me whatever you want - Raven said with a sigh he knows it would be difficult to cope with his emotions , he can't make the male sad which will affect his wolf too

"Yayy....you can call me taetae too "


"Because me no likey when kookie calls me oa oa " he said with sad pout making the Raven chuckle at his cuteness

"Okay now eat "

He slowly walked away shaking his head at how cute the Omega was looking while asking and complaining him about things . Oh moon goddess he's so preety please give me strength to keep him away from myself

Cute taetae is a sweet but sassy Taehyung is mood.

Heaven must be in chaos because their favorite angel is now on earth away fro them. ✨💜

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