Going A Little Crazy

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The brunette rushed over to the passed out body. With their hands on her shoulder they started shaking the poor woman with the thoughts that it was the key in waking her up. They furrowed their brows in worry when the shaking didn't show any improvements to her complexion. They turned to looked over to Levi for any tips. But was only met with the same dreadful face they had on.

His eyebrows were pulled up, muddled together with his upper eyelids. His lower eyelids were tense and drawn up. He held a expression full of fear. Regretting what he had just done. Averting his grey eyes, he tried to distract himself by looking out the window instead. Secretly chewing on his lips as he listened to Hange's desperate pleads of help.

Hange took a deep breath, realizing that the screaming and pleading wasn't going to suddenly wake the woman up. Pulling the woman up by her arms, the brunette heaved her over their shoulders with a grunt. Mentally wondering how things ended up this way. They carried her on their back, slowly but surely, they started exiting the stables. Hange glanced over at Levi one last time before walking out with a frown.

The trip back to headquarters wasn't a nice one. Pebbles, rocks and weeds got in Hange's way. Just random things that made her trip up ten times harder but wouldn't when it came to just a normal stroll. They were sure that the back pain was going to hit them as soon as they drop the woman off to the infirmary. The walk to the infirmary felt like the longest walk ever. With sweat dripping down the side of their neck and feeling slightly lightheaded from her weight.

With as much strength as they could muster, they raised their leg. Kicking open the door, the hinges squeak asking for oil. The wood hit the wall with a thump, echoing throughout the building.

Mike dashed into the lobby. The usually calmed and composed squad leader looked a bit off. Maybe it was how he was frowning. The slight change in his composure would most likely be unseen by any other people. But to Hange and a few handful of other people. They could assume that he was upset or more so disappointed.

Well the slight frown on his face disappeared in a instant when he saw the fainted woman on the brunette's back. In a flash he was right in front of the brunette, taking the woman off their back. Hange inhaled and arched their back, feeling their bones crack. They did lean back a little too much as they felt an intense amount of pain in their spine. But, it really did feel good to stretch their back after being in one position for so long.

Though Hange couldn't enjoy the satisfaction for long. Since they had other pressing matters that they had to attend. Grunting, Mike carefully picked the woman up, carrying her in her arms before running down the hallways with Hange right behind him. He didn't know where he was going and Hange didn't know either.

Passing doors after doors, Mike thought it was an good idea to head to [Y/N]'s room. To save him the trouble, the woman's room was just down the corridor. Way closer than the infirmary was.

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