Not Another Agrument

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            I hummed, enjoying myself

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I hummed, enjoying myself. Sitting under the sunlight. Normally, I wouldn't do this because of the sweat. But it just felt peaceful, warm. Sitting there, watching the trees dance with the wind like they were having a little disco party. I cleared my throat, rethinking my choices on the childish thoughts I just had.

I frowned, picking up my teacup. Bringing it up to my lips. As the tea touched my lips. I shivered at how cold the liquid was. But I have gone to far to go back now. I swallowed the now cold tea. Showing a face of displeasure. Cold tea never tastes good. Placing the cup back onto the table again with a gentle thump. I groaned, messaging my temples. Trying to not recall the memories that happened a few days ago.

She smiled, "You're cute."

I shook myself out of it. Deciding that I should think about another thing to distract from these intrusive thoughts. And the only thing I could think of at this moment was [N/N]. I furrowed my brows, throwing my head back. Letting my hair fall onto my face as I looked at my bookshelf.

"Why do you suddenly have to appear in my life like that. Then disappeared like you were never there, [N/N]."

I clicked my tongue, sighing at the fact that I never really got the chance to talk and get to know her. Sitting up straight again, I glanced at the pile of unfinished paperwork on my desk. I knew I should probably get started on them. But I fell into the thoughts of [N/N]. Nothing could bring me out of it as for now.

Standing up, I walked towards the window. Drawing the curtains, dimming the room as the only light source got covered. I was about to head to my room to change into a shirt and maybe shower to get the sweat off me. Hearing someone knock on the door. I released a sigh, walking up to it. Opening the door, I stared at the soldier.

"What is it that you want?" I asked.

"Commander Erwin requests your presence for the meeting, sir." He saluted again. Shivering slightly in front of me. "He also wants me to tell you not to be late again."

I nodded, "Go off now." I sighed, "I'll be there soon."

He grunted, saluting at me before scurrying off to somewhere. I sighed, closing the door. Confirming that it was closed when I heard a click. I hummed, paddling down the halls to Erwin's office. Assuming that's where he was. Since he never told me where to meet up.

Walking some more, I finally arrived. I stood in front of the door. Lifting my hand, I knocked on the door. I heard some shuffling from the other side before the door opened.

"Oh, greetings Levi." Erwin greeted me, "You can sit down. Make it feel like home."

I glanced around, this was too suspicious for my likings. Nonetheless sat down on one of the chairs. The only unoccupied spot was next to four eyes. Groaning internally, I sat myself down. Wanting to get the meeting over with as fast as possible. I glanced up, accidentally locking eyes with [Y/N].

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