Soft Levi, Let's Get To It

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I didn't notice, but I stayed in place for a while. Stunned, surprised, or shocked was clearly an understatement. One way or another, I knew I was in disbelief. Stuck in a state of shock. I was frozen, like a pond during the winter, when snowstorms would come and go.

The sound of creaking coming from the bed and the gasps of air was the only thing that broke me out of my trance. I shook my head, refocusing my attention on the only other person in the room.

Who was Short stack himself?

Sweat had trickled down his head, down his cheeks. Which appeared out of nowhere and also it was quite unhygienic. His hair was a mess like he had just came back from a workout. Or maybe he was out of breath as if he watched a horror movie.  Who am I kidding? We are basically living in a real life horror movie. Fucking giants rooming the earth. Yeah, does sound like a horror movie to me.

I let my hands drop down to my thighs. The sound broke Levi out of his own trance. I didn't know if he was angry or annoyed that I was still here. But there was a hopeful glimmer in his eyes. Yet, it disappeared in an instance. He was composed now, still sweaty though.

"You good? Looked like you just came out of a pool."

He said nothing, nothing at all. All he did was stare at me. Quite intensely, may I add. It was getting a bit uncomfortable. But, I mean, he couldn't help himself, but to check me out. I'm just that good-looking. I choke down and chuckle at my own stupid jokes. Pure comedy could I say?


There we go again. Without my consent, my body froze up like a whole iceberg.  I felt Levi's eyes burn a hole through my skull. He was observing closely.

"Do you know her?"

I smiled as my body finally allowed me to move. My heart rate slowly decreased, letting me breathe correctly. I felt like there was something stuck in my throat. I stopped and racked my mind for any witty retorts or stupid jokes. Before I knew it, the first lie fell out of my mouth.

"Yea. I knew her for a while..." I paused, making up a believable lie. "But she suddenly disappeared and I never saw her again." I frowned disapprovingly at my lie. It seems like Levi was catching on too, by the way he was furrowing his brows.


I faked a yawn, covering my mouth. "I think it's getting late." I pointed at something behind me. Oblivious that there wasn't a window behind me. "The moon is out. And we have to visit the training corps tomorrow. So, I'll have to head to bed now."

I smiled, walking out of his room. Accidentally catching whatever he said before I closed the door. It was along the line of 'There's no window behind you'. But I was already long gone to hear what he thought of it. Already halfway across his office now.

I raised my hands up and slapped myself right there. The noise echoed through the hall. At least it was quieter than the sound of me breaking down a door. I felt like pulling out my hair but decided against it. Instead I brushed back the loose tresses of hair that fell in front of my eyes and sighed.

"This calls for a cup of tea."


"But Erwin, I don't want to go."

I was currently being dragged out of my room. Apparently, Erwin was my dad now, trying to wake me up to prepare for an early takeoff to the training crops. I understood why Mike wouldn't wake me up. I basically beat the shit out of him as I slept last time. It was not a good memory for him. Especially the shocked faces he received when they saw his black eyes after he strolled out of my room. He was unsuccessful too.

"I swear to walls, [Y/N]. Get your ass up."

"Erwin, your not my dad!"

I sighed. Releasing my grip on the doorway. Allowing Erwin to finally drag me out of my room. The first thing I saw was Mike. Mike was chuckling at me. But stop as soon he felt my gaze.

"I'll give you something to chuckle about."

I give him a close-eye smile. Grabbing the nearest thing around me and chucking it at him with ease. He, unfortunately, didn't catch it, but it bounced off his chest. Falling down onto the ground. It was quiet for a moment. Until he chuckled at my failed attempt at hurting him. Which I just stuck my middle finger out at him in response.

I stood up, dusting myself off. I was already dressed in my uniform. The light brown, high waisted jacket with the white and blue wings on my back. My straps were on, all tight and neat. Until Erwin decided to drag me out of my room.

Hange smiled excitedly, slapping me on the back. For moral support? I coughed as the impact hit me. Hange seemed unfazed and started talking about random topics. I shook my head as Erwin sighed. He stood next to me and Mike and was forced to listen  in on Hange. I spotted Moblit behind her, smiling like a real idiot.

I did notice the missing presence in the group. Wondering where the short ass could be. I smirked, eyeing the door of Levi's room. Don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to hit on Mike's girlfriend. At least not for now. Mike caught my gaze and nodded. I don't know if he was giving me permission to touch his babe or not. But I guess, who cares?

"Not hitting on your babe, Mike." I shot him a playful grin. "I'm going to check on Levi. You guys can continue talking."

I excused myself from the conversation. Walking up to Levi's door, I didn't bother knocking, knowing that I'll have to barge in even if I did. Either way he's probably locked up in his room. I opened the door and paddled into the office.

"Levi?" I called out. Glancing around the room, no Levi was in sight. I opened the door to his sleeping quarters. Just to spot him wrestling with his straps. I cocked a brow in amusement, leaning against the doorway and watched as the man struggled.

"You need help?"

I asked. Surprised to see how he wasn't shocked to see me standing here. He groaned, shaking his head no. I watch him struggle more. Suddenly remembering that we're going to be late if he doesn't hurry up. I sighed, walking up to him.

He furrowed his brows as he watches me take the straps out of his hands. Kneeling down. I brushed my thumb down his thigh, fidgeting with the straps. Weaving it through the buckle and then repeating it multiple times. Until everything was tucked in correctly. I hummed, looking at it in satisfaction. Standing up, I sling my arms around his shoulders. He did try to pry it away, though it was no use and he knew it. So he give up.

"Let's go, Levi! We have some kids. I mean, soldiers to observe."

"I could've have done it myself..." He mumbled under his breath.

I rolled my eyes, smiling mentally. Seeing the light blush that settled onto his cheeks as his blood rushed up his face. I chuckled, ruffling up his hair as if he was a puppy. He slapped my hand away with a frown.

"Ah! It's Levi!" Hange exclaimed, catching the other's attention. Erwin grunted, greeting him. Mike just stared at his door. The satisfaction was still written all over his face.

"Let's go. Our ride is waiting for us." Erwin glanced at Levi, "What took you so long?"

I decided to answer for the short stack. "He was struggling." I yelp as he stomped on my toes. Wincing at the sheer amount of force he put in his stomps. I groaned, keeping up my composure.

"But he has a lot of willpower..."

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