Total Opposites (Kiri POV) pt 4

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PART 4/6


I stood in the hallway, dumbfounded.

"Well..." Was all my brain could sputter out.

"Well, sounds like you fucked up." Sero spoke bluntly as he stepped out of the class.

I slammed my palm to my face. Even though I had just received the best news ever, I had somehow managed to screw it up.

"I did warn you! I told you not to embarrass the girl...and what did you do?" Sero rhetorically asked.

"Instead of telling me you told me so, help me fix this!" I begged.

Bakugo kept his silence. I felt ashamed to have messed up this badly in front of him.

"Lets just get back to the dorms and rub all our brain cells together." Kaminari spoke out from behind Sero.

"I just want to crawl into a black hole." I moan through my palm.

Bakugo finally broke his silence.

"Just think about how she probably feels right now. You just outed her secret to the entire class. Even without the context it was obvious what it was about." He scolded.

"Wooooo! Bakugo, I didn't know you had such a soft spot for others feelings." Kaminari teased.

"Shut up, you portable phone charger!" Bakugo growled.

Sero sighed and rolled his eyes.

"I suggest you call her. You have a chance of her picking up. Ask her if you could talk in person. We'll plan the rest from there." Sero advised.

"Okay. Then you guys go on ahead to the dorms and I'll catch up." I agreed.

They all exchanged glances before shuffling off down the hall. Even though I was reluctant, I pulled out my phone and looked for her contact. I was nervous. Beyond nervous. My hands shook as I pressed the call button and rose the phone to my ear. My stomach churned, terrified if she would answer or not. The line rang. It felt like it rang forever until it stopped. The call was answered!

"You answered! (Y/N), where are you?" I frantically spoke.

She didn't respond, but I knew she was there.

"(Y/N), I want to talk to you. I understand that you might not be ready at this moment," I spoke. "But can you please see me, eight o' clock at the porch. Please." I knew I sounded desperate.

"Ye-yeah, okay." I finally got a response from her.

I let out a huge sigh. I managed to accomplish step one.

"Thank you. See ya then...Softy..." I whispered into the phone.

"See you..." She muttered before she hung up.

I calmly slid my phone into my pocket before digging my face into my hands. I wanted to yell. I just wouldn't know if it was because I was happy or because I was nervous.

"Are you going to stand there all day?" Mic's voice yelled out from inside the classroom.

"Sorry!" I yelled back before sprinting down the halls.

A few teachers scolded me for running in the halls as I ran past them, but I refused to slow down. I needed to get back to the dorms and figure out what I was going to say to (Y/N). I needed to make up for what I did.

I made it to the porch of the building and burst through the front doors, skidding into the living room. The three usual suspects seated, waiting for me.

(Kirishima POV x Reader) Total OppositesWhere stories live. Discover now