Total Opposites (Kiri POV) pt 1

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Another day sitting in class. There isn't anything I can complain about, but the past few days have been repetitive yet quite stressful. I glanced over at the clock on the wall to see that there were still a few minutes until home room began. I was already wishing for the day to be over. The only thing, or rather person, who could get me through the day was the special person who sat in front of me.

Just being in her presence could lighten my mood. I'm not shy to admit, to myself, that I have a crush on her. She's a fairly new addition to our class and her quirk is a totally awesome opposite from my own. She has the skill of energy absorption which has made her skin and touch to feel like silk...or so I've heard. I'm far too nervous to ask to feel her skin, which isn't the manliest of me.  But I always do my best to help her in class. I'm often lending her a helping hand just so that I can see her smile and listen to her talk. She's a sweet softy. My sweet softy.

"(Y/N)!" Mina squealed from the entrance of the class. I am snapped out of my daydreaming and looked over to see Mina walking over to (Y/N) with her arms extended, obviously wanting a hug.

I watched as (Y/N) rose from her seat, giggling as she too extended her arms. I couldn't help but smile seeing her smile and hearing her giggle. It was almost contagious.

I watched as the two of them embrace, Mina letting out a sigh of relief. I would've traded everything in the world to be in Mina's position. Apparently I wasn't the only one with a similar thought.

"Looks nice." Kiminari cooed. No one could resist the idea of receiving a hug from (Y/N).

I watched as Mina stuck out her tongue to Kiminari.

"Hehe, jealous much?" She taunted.

(Y/N) extended her one arm out to Kiminari, inviting him to join. He jumped at the opportunity and rushed into the hug, a sigh of relief as he relaxed.

(Y/N) was sweet. Too sweet. I felt a twinge of jealously seeing Kiminari get so close to her. Thankfully I knew Kiminari has his eyes on someone else...but I am not too sure who (Y/N) has her eyes on.

A small crowd began to form around (Y/N). Her friends inching closer to be apart of the group hug. I stared thoughtlessly as everyone clung to (Y/N) and were making conversation. 

Just as I snapped back to reality I was greeted with Mina making direct eye contact with me. A devilish grin forming across her face which made my skin crawl.

"Hey, Kirishima. Join us! You look like you need a good hug." She practically ordered me.

"Huh?" Was all that could escape my lips, I noticed that (Y/N) had the same reaction.

I quickly tried to think up a cool response. I wanted to agree but not sound too eager, but I also didn't want to sound like I wasn't interested in the idea. I opened my mouth to speak, but my mouth snapped shut as the class door violently slid open.

Everyone rushed to their seats and sat quietly. I cursed the horrible timing. If I had just an extra two minutes I would've finally been able to get even closer with (Y/N).

Mr. Aizawa shuffled to the front of the class and stared out at everyone. He let out a small sigh before speaking.

"Some of you may or may not know. On Friday we will be hosting a ball for all U.A students. I will go over the details at a closer date. If you want to have the information now I have a sheet of the details and will post it on the board."

(Kirishima POV x Reader) Total OppositesWhere stories live. Discover now