->thrown together<-

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I was watching my brother finish up with training the raptors and come over to me.

"Hey sis.." he said, i could tell he needed to tell me something that might make me mad.

"Hey?" I said back in a questioning tone.

"Uhm, i signed you up for that new camp they finished up a while ago..your gonna be one of the small amount of kids to be the firsts there.." he said, leaning on the railing next to me like i was.

"What? Why?" I pushed off the rail and stood up straight.

"Well...your gonna turn into a dinosaur if you dont socialize, dont think i dont see you trying to copy the sounds the pack makes.." he said, pointing a finger at me then moving it to the raptors down below, who were playing tug a' war with a bone.

"Well i think that we could train them more efficently with raptor calls rather than clickers and whistles.." i said, useing my hand to mimick a dinosaur roaring then switching it to look like i was holding a clicker.

"Maybe you could use this?" He said, giving me a 3D printed vocal piece found inside a raptor skull.

"Woah...where did you make this and why?" I asked looking it over.

"Eh after the first time i saw you trying to mimick raptor calls i got someone to reasearch and print it out for me, dont worry it works..i tested it out at the caravan.." he said, tapping on it with one of his fingers.

"Just dont test it here..might rile them up..." he said.

I nodded and put it in my fannypack.

"They said that the heli' that will bring you over to the north dock will be here later, so you have time to put anything you need into your little bag.." he said poking my fannypack.

"Alright see ya owen!" I called out as i ran off to my atv to drive off to the caravan.


I drove back to the raptor pen with all the things i needed from the caravan.

I walked up to the closed gates of the pen and looked around to see if anyone was looking before i made little kissy noises, y'know..the ones you make when your calling a cat over.

I saw charlie come running from the other side of the pen and up to the fence that kept her from going free.

"Hey, girl.." i said patting her muzzle, she made small purring noises as i did so.

I gave her a small treat before looking around once again.

"You wont see me for a bit ok? Owe- alpha is sending me somewhere for a while..i want you to listen to him ok? Be a good girl for me ill be back in a couple days at least.." i said, scratching her chin and leaning my forhead on the bars.

She made another soft noise before she licked my hand.

"I have to go, be good, listen to alpha, and be safe" i said, giving her one more pat on the muzzle before walking off.

I went up the steps to find owen talking to barry about something, i went up behind him and tapped him on the shoulder.

"Im ready..when will my ride be here?" I asked as he waved off barry and turned around to face me.

Gradysaurus: The Girl In Discuise (camp cretaceous x reader)Where stories live. Discover now