I Met Him in a Coffee Shop

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            Now, before I start this off, I must give a HUGE shoutout to Brooklyn_Paige, who gave me this subject! She seems like a pretty cool mothertrucker, so check her out! 

From now on, I'm going to do this format! 

What? An official format?! Impossibru!

Yesh! An official format will now be adniciated..... Starting.... NOW!

I Met Him in a Coffee Shop-

Now females, I know that the thought of this makes all of our ovaries want to explode, but let's keep this non-fatal, shall we? Now, I personally haven't seen these stories, but from what I've heard from my informant, they are all over the place.

Then why haven't you seen any?

.... -O- Don't judge me, voice...

ANYWHORE, here we go!

1. A coffee shop? Really?- So, the first bit that stands out to me is the fact that it's a coffee shop. I mean, I get it's supposed to be a laid back environment where you can meet many-a-people and make a bunch of besties, but I don't think it's that... Romantic to meet at a coffee shop. Imagine explaining your love story to your kids. "Well, when he ordered his low-fat chai latte and I spilt it on him, I knew he was the one!" Just... just no.... 

2. IT'S CELEBRITY-FACE DUDE FROM THAT MAGAZINE THAT LOWERS MY SELF-ESTEEM!- Oh, now we're getting into "GRRRRR" territory. Do you really think that if I work at a caffe in Los Angeles or New York that I'll meet my love Chris Hemsworth? NO! Plus that'd just be awkward... He's like thirty and I'm like 13.... I CAN AGE, I SWEAR!

3. So, now that I have a boyfriend, can you pay me for not working?- Now, this is ER MAH HERD MY FACE IS NOW FALLING OFF! territory. If I spilt a guy's low-fat chai latte on him, I'd be running for the hills. Then again... I'm an awkward person so..... The part that doesn't make sense is the fact that "Hey, I'm in love, so I want money but no job. Is that cool, boss?" IT WILL NEVER HAPPEN. I'm sorry. 

So, some things you can do to not follow this path are:

1. NO COFFEE SHOP!- We've been over this, Bob. Just, just no....

2. ER MAH HERD CELEBRI- NO- I don't care if it is Chris Hemsworth, no celebrities. Make up an original character, like Bob Billy Boberson III.

3. Use the job to your advantage!- If she/he has a job, make it where something big happens while Bob Billy's at work! It makes things more SUSPENSEFUL!

I'm sorry for your lack of me in your life, but I'm back! I'm so sorry, but yeah.... Stuff happened.... I GOT A BOYFRIEND! XD Yeah, LOVE YOU and see you whenever I see you! 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 04, 2013 ⏰

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