Chapter 11: I Won't Marry You

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Hello!! Sorry for any typos!!

I went to the office the next day

Hello Gautam!

Thank God you are ok! He came and hugged me

Arjun told me everything. What the hell were you even doing there? He asked

I'm fine, don't worry!

That is when Arjun was passing by and he said

Ria in my office in 10 minutes! He ordered

He seemed to be in a bad mood

What is wrong with him? I asked Gautam

I don't know since morning he has been like that! Gautam shrugged

I went towards his Cabin and decided to wait outside

Just then the same man came out of the Cabin whom I saw last night along with Arjun

I knocked on the door

Come in! Arjun replied

I went inside

Who was he? I asked

David my bodyguard Arjun replied

Oh! Is there anything important you want to talk about?

Yes, where are the files?

Oh no, I forgot them! Let me get them!

Why did you simply end up here!? I suppose I was paying you to work, and not for staring at your boss, Go get them! He said taunting me

I went out of the cabin and saw Kajal outside she was waiting to go in

She was glaring at me as if I had stolen her chocolates

Chocolates are the most precious to me

I ignored her and went back to get the files

I got the files to Arjun's cabin and stood outside

I could hear voices, they were fighting over something

And before I kept my ear closer to the door to listen to what was happening

The door flung open and I was startled

Kajal was angry with a letter in her hands and she was walking away

I entered the room

What is wrong with her? I asked worried about my friend

She has been thrown out of the company for a mistake she has made he said with utmost calm composure

And what is that? I asked placing my hands on the table

Well, you tried listening to it outside the door right? He said placing his knuckles over his chin

Damn! He surprises me each time

My eyes widened and I quickly changed the topic

Here! The files you asked for

He made a smirk and I tried to look away

I made a move to go back when he said

Princess? We are having a family dinner tonight and your family is invited, see you there he said

Look I'm not a princess in the first place and secondly, I'm not coming anywhere and thirdly this marriage is not happening as well! I said folding my arms

I know you like Kajal and I'm going to stop this! I said coming out of the cabin

In the afternoon I received a call from my mom mentioning the same about the dinner

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