Chapter 9: The Plan

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Welcome back!! Hope you enjoy reading!! Sorry for any typos!! ❤️

Ria's POV

What the hell was that?! Princess?!

It was One in the morning and I was still thinking about what happened in the afternoon

God! How will I sleep if I keep on thinking?!

Why did he call me Princess?! I mean he has a girlfriend

Or maybe had

Was he starting all of this again?

Not again! Not this time!!

The root cause of this problem was GAUTAM! He's got a death wish for me

I decided to call Gautam

After disturbing my sleep how could I let him sleep peacefully after all!


Hello a sleepy voice answered

What the hell did you do that day?!!

Apparently, we weren't able to discuss this lately since Gautam had been escaping each time I wanted to talk about this

The thing which you wanted! He answered indefinitely

I agree but not in this way!

I didn't want this!

Ok then let me go and tell dad about this

Wait! Wait! I meant not supposedly in the way you disclosed it, now Kajal and Arjun both are angry with me

Hmm... So what do you want to do? Gautam asked

I don't know, I don't want them upset because of me maybe we should make things right

Oh really? Because if that's the case nothing can be done now!

What? Why!

By that, you'll lose Arjun Gautam said

It's ok but he should be happy, and I can see he is not

Who said he is not? You saw what he did in the canteen today right

Yeah... I stretched

That too in front of his girlfriend and the entire office

Yeah, but now we have to make a plan we need to make them happy

Any ideas?

If you let me sleep peacefully I'll come up with plenty in the morning he said yawning

Ok fine!

I was about to cut the call when he said

Don't think much you'll become a scientist of course of no use he laughed

You!! Meet me tomorrow I said in an irritating tone

Goodnight he said

I repeated and we slept peacefully


I went to the office and found Gautam already there, I went to him and wished him a morning

Hello! Got a few ideas but before that Gupta has asked you to submit these to Arjun

What?! Me?!

Yes, You! Gautam replied busy typing

Now go before he fires you! He's already angry

Ok! I took the files and went off from there scared

Anything was easy to deal rather than an angry Gupta, if he becomes angry then no one can guarantee you a job over here

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