Sollel sighed and rested her forehead on Hakken's shoulder. She didn't want this opportunity to slip— an opportunity to make her Hakken happy. His love and loyalty moved her that she was more than willing to give him everything she have.

Why wouldn't she? She may not know the whole story, she was maybe being kept in the dark, but she knew Hakken was not standing beside her now because of luck. It was because of his loyalty, fidelity, perseverance and sacrifices.

Who wouldn't want a man like that?

A man who was only loyal to her. A man whose eyes were always trained on her. A man who did everything he could for her. Who wouldn't treasure a man like that?

A man like that deserves everything she could offer and more.

He deserved her affection, her attention, her heart, her body, even her soul.

Sollel breathe out softly and whispered over Hakken's ear. "You don't have a blood of flame, if I touched you, it'll be fine, right?"

Hakken was speechless and became even more so, as if he had lost his ability to speak when he felt his lady's hand caressing his abdomen.

"Our elders," Sollel positioned her lips over Hakken's ear and whispered lustrously. "They taught us a lot of things about copulation and procreating so we could produce an excellent heir or heiress someday. Unfortunately," Sollel's hand travelled down to Hakken's bare and ripped thighs, "it was not put into used because there was no man worthy in my eyes. Every male who tried to woo me was weak, useless and treacherous.

"I thought I would not find a worthy man. A man who I can be proud of. A man who I want to stay by my side. A man whom I want to own. Then... I met you."

Sollel licked Hakken's ear as her hand slowly inched closer to his raging member.

"I should offer a thanks to the deities for finally meeting the man worthy of my hand's attention and affection." With that, Sollel's hand finally cupped Hakken's length and Hakken felt like his head spun. "You should offer your thanks too."

"Yes..." Hakken was breathing heavily, nearly panting as her hand continued caressing him.

A soft caress. An affectionate touch. With a firm grip and hold as she moved her hand to a rhythm she made in her head. A rhythm that was making Hakken pant and his whole face was exporting an arousal Sollel hadn't seen before.

"You're very handsome, my lord." Sollel whispered before she pressed her lips against Hakken's and her hand continued to move and deliver pleasure.

Hakken didn't want to, but his release was coming fast. He was holding it in, stopping himself, but his lady was merciless — her hand in particular.

Upon his release, Hakken buried his face in his lady's neck, still breathing hard and panting.

"Why... Why did you do that?" Hakken couldn't help asking when his mind became clear again. "I know your 'like' is not similar to mine, so I'm confused, my lady. To be this intimate with me... Please don't tease me too much. I might crumble and perish if you get tired of me and cast me away after your curiosity fades away."

"You're always so silly, Hakken." Sollel cupped Hakken's face and she stared deep into his eyes. "I admit, our 'like' is very different. It started differently too.  But don't belittle my affection just because it didn't transcend time and death like yours. You're the only man whom I accepted in my life, Hakken. The only man I wanted to kiss and touch and tease. The only man who can make me worry so much. The only man who I wanted to be intimate with to.

"If you think that my affection for you is shallow just because I only felt it recently, then you have to stay with me, Hakken. I will show you how deep I feel for you. I may not be able to make up for the three lifetimes I missed, but I can show you how much you mean to me for three lifetimes and more. I'm from a long-live race. I have all the time in the world to show you and prove to you that my feelings are real and will not waver."

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