"Yeah, I live alone...um...." I whispered, looking out the window, "Like, across the way from Harry...."

"Oh..." Zayn whispered, taking a step back as he looked down at the ground, letting out a huff, "Well, whatever. I just—I hope you're happy."

"I am, thank you." I said as I backed away, "I'm gonna—gonna head out. I'll see you later... oh, stop blowing my phone up or I will literally shoot you." I pointed at him, cracking a smile on my lips.

"I would expect nothing less." He breathed out, waving me off before he left the bakery. I sighed, walking towards the exit on the other end of the cafe, the guy behind the counter was staring daggers at me.

"Hey." He said, pointing at me before walking over to me, meeting me at the end of the counter, "Did you just say Harry?"

"....Yeah?" I looked around, then back at him with an odd look on my face. He pursed his lips, nodding as he whispered out.

"Long hair, green eyes? Lives in the shitty apartments off Cornell?"

"Yeah, why?" I chuckled out, taking a step back from him, "Do you know him?"

"Tell your friend to text me back." He frowned, fiddling with his fingers, "It's a long story, but he won't text me back..."

"Um..okay." I stretched out, "I'll let him know, thanks." I went to turn to leave, but he stopped me by putting a hand on my arm.

"Okay, fine. I'll tell you." He rushed out.

"But I didn't ask—"

"We had sex." He said with a smile, "It was amazing, I really couldn't get over him. I just—I really want him to text me back. Can you just talk to him for me please?"

I felt my throat close, my eyes blinking hard as I shoved his hand off my arm gently, taking a few more steps back for measure. Harry was gay? That's why he doesn't like me. It all makes sense now.

I'm so stupid.

"I'll let him know." I croaked out then immediately left the store. For some reason, on my walk, I had found tears running down my cheeks. I wasn't mad that he was gay, it was just sad. It was sad because I had grown to like someone that I just found I could never have.

It was my luck.

For a moment, I let my umbrella down to feel the rain on my skin. It's been so long since I've felt anything that I just needed to give myself something to feel. The rain wasn't coming down as hard as it was earlier, but it was enough to soak my hair and dampen my clothes.

I sniffled as I walked into the apartment and up the stairs, wiping away the tears on my cheeks as I shivered from how cold I had gotten. I remembered everything last night, the coke, backing Harry against the wall, I remember it all.

Even him rejecting me.

"Anna? What in the world—" Harry frowned.

I looked up, meeting his gaze with saddened eyes as I stopped halfway up the stairs. He was at the top with a black coat on, and a hoodie underneath.

"It's raining." I deadpanned, walking past him, even brushing his arm with mine as I did so. He looked behind himself, watching me walk to my apartment door.

"Oh," I sniffled, turning to face him, "The guy at the bakery asked me to tell you to call him back."

Harry's face dropped in shock, his lips parted as he tried to come up with any excuse as to why it must be, but he didn't need to say anything. I didn't wanna hear it. I was happy for him—as long as he's happy.

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