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A/N me again there are two chapters again  the first one is called the mustard the second is called family bonding Carly is 28 in both of these. Enjoy!

The mustard

I parked my truck at the local grocery store. It just so happens to be on the res. I really hated shopping. But it had to been done. I coukd have sent Gator. But I was already here and had the list. I took a breath grabbed the list and my wallet and went in. I grabbed a cart and stated my search.

I stood off to the side of the aisle looking for a certain brand of mustard. Rip never ate it if it wasn't a certain brand. Damn picky man.  And heaven knows I wasn't going to eat it.  I crouched down lower to see if they had any when a cart rammed into almost making me lose my balance.

"Hey!" I quickly got up to glare at the person that hit me.

"I'm so sorry I didn't see you!" The women claimed.

"If you didn't see you might want to see an eye doctor because you must be blind." The person I finally recognized was Monica. She looked just like she did in high school. She just looked bitcher. I've never really liked her. I tolerated for Kayce's sake. But he didn't want nothing to do with me no more.

"Ooo my god Carly?" I gave a short nod of my head. "Wow you changed."

"I would hope so since the last time I saw you was in  high school. So about 10 years ago." I said and crossed my arms over my chest.

"Wow time sure flys by." She let out a nervous laugh.

"Ya it sure does."

"I mean look at you you won the NFR."

"Two actually." I intruppted. I had one my second one last year. "But I mean look at you!" I fake my voice to friendly. "I mean you can't even tell you had a baby!"

"That was like 7 years ago."

"Ooo was it? Well time just fly when you never meet him or seen him." I could tell she was getting nervous. Witch made me smile.

"Well I..."

"I don't want to hear it. I hope have a good life. And both you and Kayce can kiss my ass."

Not even looking I picked up a bottle of mustard and threw it in the cart before walking off. I was still fuming when I walked into the house. I started putting the grocery up, exept the mustard. I knew I hadn't gotten the  right kind. I sat it harshly on the counter before going to the bedroom. I walked over the gun cabnit. I grabbed the 360 ride and bullets. As I walked through the kitchen I grabbed the mustard bottle.

I found that the pasture in front of the main house was clear of livestock and people. The boys were a ways a way working on a water line. I put the bottle on top of a post. I went back and loaded the gun. Pulling the gun up i shot the bottle 3 times. It exploded sending mustard flying. I felt some of my anger release. I turned and walked back to the house. But not before noticing the boys faces. Everybody was shocked.

I put the gun back and went to the barn. I put Star into some cross ties and started combing her hair and brading it. "What kind of bullshit was that?" Rip asked from the door way with a smirk on his face. I had finally clamed down. "You really want to know?" "Wouldn't asked if I didn't." He came behind me. I relaxed in his chest as I told him. "Plus it wasn't the kind you like any way." I added on to the end. "Your crazy." "Maybe." I said with a light laugh.

Family bonding

I walked into Lee's house or as he called it his bacholar pad. I went over to the close bedroom door. I knocked loudly. I got grumbles in replies. I rolled my eyes.

"We leave in an hour!" Today me and him were going to go look at some horses. I looked around his house. It was a mess. Dishes were in the sink that had started growing mold.

"Your house is a mess!" I yelled and got no respond. I don't know why men where so messy. If I didn't live with Rip I guaranteed it would look like this. I rolled up my sleeves and got to work.

Lee was talking his sweet time. I had done all the dishes and cleaned up a little. It had been past an hour. While I waited for him I was looking at the pictures that were on his wall.

The first one that caughted my eye was us kids with mom. A couple of them were of me and him when we were young.

One of my favorites was he was on a horse with me in front of him on the saddle. I had his hat on and we both had large smiles on our faces. He had pictures of him winning buckles form the rodeo. That's how I started rodeo. He was the best coach. The last couple pictures were from my second NFR win. One was just me, him and Star. The other one was him, me, Star, dad and Rip.

"Ready to go Bug?" He asked breaking me out of my memories.

"Ya let's go." We put on your hats and went to his pick up.

"Hey Lee?"

"Ya bug?"

"Why do you call me bug?" He sat there while a soft smile come over his face. Making all his features soften.

"When you and Kayce were born you were smaller then him. Or any of us for that fact. When I held you I was afraid I would hurt you. You were delicate like a bug. Kind of looked like one too." I scoffed and pushed him a bit. "The main thing that you did to make the name stuck is you were always following me around. The one day I turned my back on ya just for a moment. I tuned back around and you were eatting a bug. I yelled don't eat that bug! You just looked at me with your big blue eyes." We both laughed.

"I rember that one time you brought a girl home. I thought you were going to replace me. So I told her you were a striper." I laughed.

"That's why she wouldn't call me back?" "You weren't any better. You told one of my dates that I was a boy!"

"He was going to hurt you. Plus he wasn't your type. Rip was and still is your type. Y'all look good together. Plus seeing you with the boy was just weird." He shuddered.

"So a geek was going to hurt me?"

"Yes." We both laughed. I loved spending time with my brother.

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