the new and the want

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A/N So there are two chapters in this one! First one is called the brand. The second one is its a boy. Carly is 21 in both of these. Enjoy!

The brand

It was the morning of my 21st birthday. I was bound and determined to get what I wanted today. I got out of bed and sliped some clothes on. I made my way to the dining room. I was surprised to see breakfast on the table.

"Happy Birthday darlin." Rip came up and kissed me before I could say anything. He grabbed my hand and led me to the table.

"Thanks. But this is too much. You didn't have to do this."

"Nothing is to much for you." He said with a wink. I felt the blush come to my cheeks. "I'm going to take you to a bar tonight." He announced.

"Actually we all ready have plans for tonight." He raised an eyebrow in question.

"And what are these plans?"

"I'll tell you later." It was my turn to wink at him. The first step of my plan was to find my dad. Witch proved harder then usually. I finally found him in his office. I knocked on the door.

"Come in."

"Hi daddy."

"Hi baby. Happy Birthday." He said as I sat down on the edge of his desk.


"Is there something I can help you with?"

"Yes I want to get branded." He looked a little surprised but coverd it by masking it.

"Ok get Lloyd to do it."

"No I want you to do it. I'm pleading myself to you and this ranch not Lloyd. No offense to him." I said firmly.

"Are you sure about this?"


"Ok will do it tonight." I nodded.

"I want just you and Rip there." He nodded. "Thanks daddy." I kissed his cheek and left.  Next step was to find Rip. He was in the barn saddling his horse. He saw me coming towards him.

"Do I finally get to know what we are doing tonight?" He asked with a smirk. A toothpick between his lips.

"Im getting branded tonight." I stated. His face showed no emotion. I couldn't tell if he was happy or upset. Either way he didn't say anything knowing he could talk me out of it.

"Is it what you want?"


"Then I'm happy for you." I smiled and grabbed his collor bringing him into a kiss. His arms wrapped around me as our lips moved. He pulled back and pecked my lips one more time. I sat on a log watching the fire heat up the brand. As to my request it was just me, dad, and Rip. Rip sat next to me. Our hands wrapped together.

"Are you sure you want to do this? Last time to back out." My dad said.

"I sure. I want to do this."

"Ok let's do it then." Rip handed me a stick to bite on to. I grabbed it and smiled my thanks. I got down on my knees in front of my dad. I unbottend my shirt. I nodded to say I was ready after I put the stick in between my teeth. He positioned the brand and put it on my skin. I gritted my teeth together. My eyes screwed shut. It hurt like a bitch. What felt like forever the brand was taken off. I spit the stick out. My dad had a small smile. Rip had a huge smile on his face. As for me I was just proud to wear the brand.

It's a boy

I sat twirling my hair around my finger as I looked at bulls for my dad. I found one I really like. So know I was barging with the guy. "Miss Dutton 5,000 is a reasonable price." My eyes narrowed at him.

"If that reasonable that bull better breed all my cattle and let me ride it. 2,000." I crossed my arms over my chest. My brand had healed up nicely. "Look nobody else seems interested. So I think this is going to be the best deal. Because i don't think your going to get a better deal."

He thought about this for a moment before saying deal. A smile came over my face. "Perfect." I loaded the bull in the trailer and headed back to the ranch. I backed the trailer up to one of the round pens. I got out and sat on the fence as the wranglers got him out. Lloyd came and sat next to me.

"He's a nice one Carly how much?"

"Guy was asking for 5,000." "How much did you pay?"

"2,000." He let out a laugh.

"How in the hell did you do that?"

"I got my ways." I smiled. He smiled back before going to work.
I heard my phone go off as I headed towards the house. I went and sat in one of the rocking chairs on the porch and pulled up the text. The text was a picture. The picture was a baby. It was red and slimy. Eww. Below the picture was a text saying it was a boy named Tate. I looked to see who had  sent it. It was Kayce. I sent a text back asking when I would get to see my new nephew. I was still pissed at Kayce but I would let that ruin my relationship with my only nephew. I sat there rocking till my phone dinged. No sorry Carly the text said.  Kayce had hurt me but this one hurt me the most. Why would he not let me see him. I wasn't the bad guy. I sent him back a text saying from the deepest bottom of my heart fuck off. And with that I turned my phone off and went into the house.

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