fun and sorrow

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Age 18 A/N so I decided to combine two chapters to make one. Carly is 18 in both chapters. The fist part is called rodeo fun. The second one is called the solder. Enjoy!

Rodeo fun

I went around the third barrel. I kicked my horse to home. I made it pased the invisible line and pulled her up. This horse was a 4 and a half year old blue roan mare named Star Dust in the Galaxy but for short I called her Star. She was mostly quarter horse with just a touch of thoroughbred.

"18 flat. Great job." My dad said.

"Thanks dad." I got off Star and gave him a hug.

"I'll see you later. Make sure to cool her down good." I nodded ok but he was already walking off.

"Great job Star." I petted her then lossend my cinch. I walked her around for a bit before brushing her down. I put her in her stall. She went right over to the grain.

I went out and saw the wranglers plus Lee and Rip roping calfs to doctor them. I went and sat on the fence to watch. Lee came over to me. "Not going to show the boys how it's done?"

"Nah. I figure I'd let them have this one day." I smiled as Lee laughed. "Plus Beth is taking me shopping." I put a forced smile on my lips.

"Fun!" Lee said in a high voice.

"Ya so much fun like gag me with a spoon." I said in a high voice.

"Carly!" Beth called. I slip off the fence.

"Wish me luck!"

"Good luck." I caught Rip's eye and winked at him. I could tell that he was laughing.

"Carly!" Beth called again.

"I'm coming!" I said as I walked fast to where she was.
The night came and I layed next to Rip in his house. Since he was forman he got the house. Shopping had taken a long time. I loved Beth but some of the clothes I wasn't going to wear but she wouldn't take no for an answer. The good thing was that I got a couple new rodeo shirts. We layed side by side facing each other.

"I really wish you'd come to the rodeo." I told him.

"I don't know Carly. It goes till pretty late." I rolled my eyes.

"You sound like my grandpa Rip instead of my boyfriend. Your not 80 your 20." I slipped my leg over him and flipped us around till he was flat on his back and i was startling him. "Come on it will be fun. Plus my dad is going. And my freinds are starting to think I'm making you up." I leaned closer to his face. My hair created a curtain around us. I kissed his lips. His scruff sracthing me a bit. It was interesting with him letting his bread and mustache grow out. "How about know?" After each word I kissed him.

"Fine I'll come." A smile came over my face. He flipped us so that he was know on top of me.

"Your lucky I love you."

"I know."

I parked my truck and trailer into a spot. For it being a high school rodeo the fair ground were packed. I went and got Star out of the back and tied her to the side. Tonight I did saddle bronc first then barrels. I tugged on my vest and went to find the horse I would be riding.

"Carly Dutton took the first place in saddle broncs. Next is roping." The anoucer said as I went back to my trailer. I threw the vest in the truck. I got Star ready then I went to the warm up arena.

"Did he come?" A friend asked as they came up to me. They weren't my best freinds. They were just high school freinds that more than likely would lose contact after school. I looked around in the crowd looking for a black hat.

"That's him." Since our arena was set up  you could see the crowd from the warm up arena. He sat next to Lee, Beth, and my dad. Jamie was at law school.

"Alright folks next up barrel racing!" I would run last out of 15 girls.

"Next is Carly Dutton!" Star pracned in the alley way as we went down. I let her go and we were off the a bullet. The first barrel went fine so did the second. The third one we got a little close. I threw my foot up to avoid it. It wabbled a bit but stayed up. We raced home.

"Miss Dutton had a time of 16.4. She will take the win." I threw my fist up. I unsaddled Star. A pair of arms picked me up and spun me around.

"Rip let go!" I said with a giggle. He set me down and I turned around to face him.

"See told ya it would be fun."

"Yes you did." He kissed me.

The Solder

Graduation for me and Kayce was two weeks ago. It felt good to be out of high school. I finished cleaning out my last stall. When Kayce appeared.

"Hey Carly want to go for a ride?" He said leaning on the stall door.

"That's a stupid question of course I would." He laughed at that. We split up and saddled our horses. I decided to take Star. She needed to stretch her legs. And I know she enjoyed these trail rides just as much as I did. We meet by the front of the barn.

"To the river?" He asked.

"To the river." I confirmed. It was nice to just spend some time with me and him. Just me and my twin. We made it there in what just felt like a couple of minuites. We tied the horses to a tree then went down by the river. Logs surrounded a fire pit. We went and sat on some.

"Carly I have to tell you something."

"Ok what's going on?" I asked as I put my full attention on him. He looked anywhere but my eyes.

"I'm going into the army. I leave next week for boot camp." It took me a minute to process the information.

"What?" My voice came out barley a whisper. His shoulders slumped. His eyes meet mine. I wanted to  say that he couldn't. Instead I looked out into the river. Minuites passed by.

"Please say something."

"Kayce what do you want me to say? I don't want you to go. But you must really want to do this if it's already set in motion. So I'm proud of you." He came over and wrapped me in a hug.

"Thanks for understanding. Little sister."

"Your welcome." It was a week later. I sat on Kayce's bed as he packed his things up.

"When will you be back?"

"Not sure. I know it will be after our 20th birthday."

"I'm going to miss you. It will be weird not seeing you. Or having my twin around." He wrapped me in a hug. "I'm going to miss you too."
Beth, Lee and me stood in the drive way. We waved good bye as dad took him to the airport. Beth and Lee had their arms around me as I cried. Rip came and wrapped me in a hug. "Come on darling let's go to my house." I nodded my head. He brought me into a side  hug as we walked to his house.

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