chapter 2

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I woke up to the sounds of my alarm. Looking around dazed.

A few minutes after my alarm rang, a knocking sound came from behind the entry way of my chambers.

I got up and opened the door to see Reiji.

"Good morning, miss (Y/N). I hope you've gotten some adequate sleep." Reiji greeted.

"Yes, I did. Thank you. However, may I ask what is the purpose of your visit..?" (Y/N) softly asked.

"I came here to bring you your uniform. I would also like to remind you not to be tardy. Head to the lounge within 30 minutes. We'll be leaving soon right after." Reiji said.

"Alright." (Y/N) affirmed.

Taking the apparel from Reiji, (Y/N) closed the door and immediately went to change.

After changing, (Y/N) went to grab a small handbag she had brought along and packed a pen, her gadgets, a powerbank, and a notebook. She took her bags and went ahead to the lounge.

Arriving there within 15 minutes, (Y/N) sees Reiji along with a few of his brothers.

" Ah miss (Y/N), I see you are early. We still have to wait for the rest. You may pack whatever you have forgotten until then." Reiji stated.

I hummed and went to the kitchen to pack myself some lunch for later on.

'A bento should suffice.' I pondered.

After finishing, I went back to the lounge to see all of the brothers. The only person missing left is Yui.

"How long has it been Reiji?" I asked.

"It has been thirty minutes since I have went to you and your sister's room to give you your uniforms and reminded of the allotted time. However, it seems that miss Yui is not here yet. Has she always been like this?" Reiji replied.

I hummed a 'yes'.

"Yui has always been tardy to many things. However back at the church, Yui had been shown leniency to such things." I added.

Before Reiji could comment, we both heard hurried footsteps approaching the lounge.

"I'm sorry for being late!" Yui exclaimed.

All of the people within the lounge looked towards Yui, slightly irritated.

However, Reiji was an exception. He looks very agitated.

"Why are you late miss Yui? I hade specifically asked you to arrive within 30 minutes. So do explain why you were 20 minutes behind?" Reiji questioned, irked at such display of deplorable manners.

Yui stammered for a reply, but couldn't form one solid reason.

"Never mind that, we shall just punish you in accordance later on. Let's go. We're already behind schedule." Reiji stated.

They went aboard in the limo and took a seat.

Yui sat next to Ayato and Laito, whilst (Y/N) say next to Reiji.

Reiji passed along cranberry juice to both Yui and (Y/N).

"Here, this should be of help to you whilst you are housing with us." Reiji said.

"Thank you." Yui thanked.

"Do not misunderstand me. We are only giving you those to keep you alive. You are our prey, a blood bag at most to us." Reiji corrected.

(Y/N) merely stabbed the opening with a straw and drank the cranberry juice.

The brothers who were observing the both of them were amused by (Y/N)'s actions.

(Y/N) ignored the stares and grabbed her psp and played.

Soon they arrived in Ryoutei Academy and were greeted by screams and squeals of the Sakamaki brothers' fangirls.

Annoyed with the noise, Subaru let out a 'tch'.

One by one, the brothers went out of the limo.

After them was Yui, who was greeted with disgruntled and annoyed noises.

The same happened to (Y/N) however hers were less worse than Yui's.

Heading inside the school, Reiji stopped within the halls.

"Here is your schedules, miss Yui you are with Ayato. Miss (Y/N), you are with Subaru. Do be warned that I will know whether you have skipped your classes or arrived tardy. I will be notified by every activity you will do. So showcase some class and do not tarnish our names." Reiji stated robotically.

I nodded in understanding and followed Subaru to class.

For the most part, it would seem that Subaru and I have the same schedule.

Lunch came by and I grabbed my bento and headed to the school garden.

I sat on a bench and started to eat. Whilst eating, I looked around the school garden to relish the view of nature.

As I sweep my eyes through the garden, I see Subaru near the rose bushes.

I observe him for a moment before focusing on my food, still looking at Subaru at the corner of my eye.

It would seem that Subaru felt my gaze as he looks around and spots me.

He was about to approach me when the bell rang.

I swiftly fix all of my things and went back inside the academy to resume classes.

Soon, the final bell rang and school was finished for the day.

I went outside to meet the brothers however, Yui and Ayato were missing.

'Ayato and Yui are missing... hmm...' I pondered.

I went inside the limo with the brothers and went straight ahead back to the manor.

Through the ride, I sent Reiji some questioning glances.

It would seem that Reiji knew that I was gonna question this and answered.

"Ayato and miss Yui went ahead home earlier than supposed to since Ayato couldn't hold off feeding on miss Yui." Reiji answered, annoyed at the fact that Ayato couldn't controk himself.

Satisfied, I went ahead and played with my psp while we are travelling back.

As soon as we arrived at the manor, we all went to our seperate destinations. Me, going to my room to start on homework and went to bed afterwards.

As soon as my eyes closed, I feel a pressure on the other side of my bed and an arm snaking its way on my waist that pulled me to a sturdy chest.

I couldn't feel bothered to move away and figure who it was as my consciousness drifted.

*Note: Why is (Y/N) being formal? Isn't Kenma a type of person who doesn't care for formalities, so why is (Y/N), who is based off of Kenma, formal? To answer that, (Y/N) is not formal to the other Sakamaki brothers. She is only formal to Reiji since back at chapter 1, she deduced that Reiji was the one to be formal. Of course, not wanting to anger or insult Reiji, (Y/N) decided to be formal when talking to him. Since Reiji is a vampire, he is stronger than (Y/N) who is a fae.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 31, 2022 ⏰

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