Day 2: I Had to Listen

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So being 18 years old, it doesn't really make sense to still have imaginary friends now does it.
Well, I can get away with it because I'm a writer and artist so...they're my creations.

I tried to occupy my time by listening to music from a horror game and getting into my creating when I heard laughter.

And it wasn't laughter that you hear from drinkers outside.

It was the cool, sweet, yet cruel laced laugh of my guardian angel Bai.

'Whats going on?' I thought.
Obviously, I was over hearing a conversation between my creations and Li.
He was explaining how he died...and Bai was laughing about it.

I tried to ignore it, but my creative and curious mind willed me to hear what the now irritated demon had to say.

So I listen, and this is what I heard.


"...thinking back on it, I think it was a bad decision to trust the English when it came to how to over throw a country. But at the time I didn't care. I just wanted to kill something. Anything. So I did.
I killed a lot. Kids, infants, women, men. Had a lot of fun with the women. "
(Li laughed)

"But I think that's what got me caught. You see, I was a assassin, not the best, but not the worst. But I got the job done. I had killed some poor duke that had just taken up his title. Poor bastard. Gave him an honorable death. Death by gutting."

(A manic cackle from Li)

"Seriously. I gutted him like a fish.
But I digress. After a long and hard day of gutting, I decided to reward myself early with some love. So I went to a near by tavern and got myself the worst tasting mead I've ever tasted. Gambled some of the dead duke's money away. Didn't really care. Just know wasting all that money drew unwanted attention and I ended up in a brawl.
Now I wasn't scrawny.
No sir.
I was masculine as could be, copper skin, brown eyes, black curly hair, oh yes sir, I was a god. Could snap a cows neck. Never tried it though, but bet you I could."

(One of my creations objected to that notion.)

"Quiet you."

(Li coughed to clear his throat.)

"Beat three guys. Killed one of them but no one knew. People went back to drinking and I got a nice little whore to warm my bed. Well, the bed of the inn to be accurate. Slept like a baby.
That is until a sack was thrown over my head and I was dragged out of bed.
Didn't know what was going on but I knew both ribs here and here got cracked, my legs were strapped together and stomped on--thank god they didn't break them--and my clothes were ripped off. One of the bastards pissed on me. Know it by the smell..."

(I had to cringe at that.)

"Pfft. And then I was tossed into some carriage and driven to a castle I assume. I got my own little private rat filled chamber. How fun that was.
Simply put, I was captured by some henchmen. French or German, I don't know. Didn't. Really care at the time. Still don't.
They wanted information form me on England and I told then they can suck all the cocks of savages and piss off.
That wasn't very smart of me and of course I was beaten and hung by my feet. They took iron poles to my sides, and dirty piss water to my face. Got drowned in it a few times. Hair was pulled and I had a lot of it! And my face---fuck---my FACE!! Ugh!!"

(I blinked twice hearing Li take deep angry breaths.)

"...My mouth was very much violated...and eating dog's shit wasn't fun either. But they didn't kill me. They need me badly. England had closed it's roads and they weren't getting any new prisoners to interrogate.
In the prison cell for a year and three months.
When the tortures got repetitive I found humor in some of them.
My body was still in tack, but I want sure about my eye sight. They love putting my face in shit. But I could still see.
At a certain point they stopped coming so frequently and I was beginning to wonder if they would just kill me.
Then that day...that gods damned day.
They got me.
They finally got me.

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