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Harry helped me get Hazel's stuff to take to his house with no problem at all, and Louis wouldn't stop talking about the relief he felt since I'm finally leaving him alone.

It didn't take long for everything to be ready and as soon as we got into Harry's house we began setting everything up for Hazel to be here.

"Let me show you guys around." Harry grins at us after everything is ready, stepping closer to me as I grab Hazel with an arm and he takes the chance to grab my free hand to take me upstairs.

I wouldn't say that his house has amazing decoration because it doesn't at all. The walls are white and there's nothing around but a few plastic plants in hidden corners, the railing of the stairs is black and brings us to a floor with five doors.

Harry opens one to our left, smiling over at me excitedly. "Here's my room, it's pretty simple." He steps aside and Hazel furrows her eyebrows in confusion while I arch an eyebrow at something on the wall.

I step closer and blush wildly when I realise it's a picture of me. It was when we went to the beach just the two of us, I had gotten him a camera for his birthday not long before and he kept telling me that the only thing he wanted in that camera was pictures of me.

I never really thought he was serious enough to hang one on the wall. "Oh, I adored that day." He beams suddenly from next to me, taking Hazel into his arms and pressing a soft kiss on her cheek as she giggles.

I glance over at him and smile widely. My heart beats rapidly against my chest before I look back at the picture, it's such a small act and yet it means so much to me. "Those were nice times, whenever we had vacation it was always so fun."

"Indeed." He hums, leaning down to kiss my cheek slowly before I cup his cheek and Hazel attempts to do the same but decides to pinch his cheek instead, causing him to furrow his eyebrows at her.

Hazel giggles after taking a look at Harry's face and he smiles, gesturing for me to follow him into another room. He shows me the guest room as well as the two bathrooms, leaving one specific room for last.

"Alright, I need you to be calm for this next one." He states, visibly nervous while Hazel rests her head on his shoulder with heavy eyes and I arch an eyebrow at his words.

"You're sort of scaring me." I laugh softly and he shrugs lightly, fixing Hazel in his arms before allowing me to open the door instead of him and my eyes widen as soon as I step inside.

I turn on the light so I can have a better look, it's not like it's that dark outside but the sight in front of me is too unbelievable for me to not doubt that it's actually in front of me.

The walls are painted in lilac, with some painted flowers scattered around them. There's a white closet in the corner and a round rug in the middle of the room, some drawers against the wall and a big window right next to one of them.

"Evelyn, do you think you're ready to move in with me?" Harry asks, standing behind me with a curious Hazel in his arms and a genuine anxious look in his eyes and I swear that for a few moments I feel lightheaded.

"B-but Louis, he-"

"Surprisingly, I asked him if it would be okay and he said that he's sick of you and then proceeded to thank me." He mutters, visibly trying not to laugh at the memory and I stand frozen in time as if it would help me think.

It's not like I don't want to live with him, but would Hazel be okay with changing locations just like that? She's used to so many things she might not have here and it worries me how she might react to it.

It's a big change, but I think it'd be bigger for her. But in a way, this would also bring so many good things for her, Harry would finally be able to see her anytime he wants because she'd live with him and she would have her room, we'd finally be like a normal family instead of having to decide who goes to whose house.

I wrap my arms around Harry's torso, breathing in slowly while feeling him set his free hand on my back. "I'm ready."

"Oh wow," he laughs suddenly, "in all honesty, I don't know what to do from here because I wasn't expecting that answer."

I chuckle at his words, pulling away from his hold only to take Hazel into my arms. "Now we make ourselves comfortable," I suggest, watching as Harry nods shortly before wrapping an arm around my waist.

I press a quick kiss on his lips and Hazel gasps at the action, making us turn to look at her with raised eyebrows while she widens her eyes.

We laugh it off, going on with our tasks before we begin making dinner. We make something fast but Harry decides to grab his phone to turn on some music, attempting to pull me into a dance but failing every time because of my dodging.

Hazel laughs every time he turns around to pout at her, and I pat his shoulder playfully when he does so.

After we have dinner, we make our way to the living room to hang out a little bit. "I've started looking for another photographer already, we should be fine in just a few days," Harry tells me excitedly, wrapping an arm around my shoulder as we sit on the couch while I hold Hazel in my arms.

"I sure hope so, I don't think I can handle another situation like the Carter one," I state the obvious, looking down at Hazel as she fights to not close her eyes with her pacifier in her mouth and looking up at me.

"Do you think she can sleep by herself?" He asks quietly and I turn my head to look at him and shrug unsurely, after all, it is our first time being parents.

"I'm trying to make her fall asleep so she won't notice the difference in the room," I tell him truthfully, he looks at me as I look down at Hazel anxiously. I don't even know if this is a good idea, what if she wakes up in the middle of the night and gets scared.

He seems to notice my uneasy feelings and kisses my cheek softly, setting a hand on my thigh calmly. "It'll be just fine, we're here to help her right?" He smiles, looking down at Hazel who fell asleep just now before getting up, "come on, let's put her in her brand new crib!"

I giggle at his quiet words, getting up slowly and walking towards Hazel's room with Harry striding right behind me, our movements slow and quiet to not wake her up.

I lay her down in her crib, covering her with the sheets before straightening my back only to catch Harry setting up the baby monitors with a little smile on his lips.

We tiptoe out of the room, sighing once we're out with no problem before Harry crashes his lips against mine. It's a slow but short kiss that seems to leave me breathless nonetheless, especially after taking a look at the beaming smile on his lips once he pulls away.

"We're the best at this parenting thing."

I hope you're enjoying the story!♡

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