chapter eighty three

Start from the beginning

Earlier that day, Remus and Ophelia enjoyed their first picnic as a real couple, and they both really enjoyed spending that time with each other. Ophelia's eating has gotten much better since she and Remus had begun to work on it, and she felt as close as back to normal as she could get.

The rest of the marauders, Lily, Marlene, and Alice had shown up and eaten the rest of their food. They were all sitting around and talking, looking out into the Black Lake and admiring the beauty of the castle in the summer. It wasn't too hot, but warm enough and sunny enough that Ophelia and Lily were sitting out of the shade, sunbathing as they were listening to the marauders try to do wandless magic.

Peter and Remus were laughing at James and Sirius over who could do it better, yet neither one had managed to do anything. They could all do wordless magic, yet none of them could manage wandless, which made them -- especially James and Sirius -- frustrated.

"Accio book!" shouted Sirius, flailing his hands around at some attempt to bring the book he had thrown any amount closer to him.

Ophelia laughed and muttered, "dumbass," under her breath. Clearly, it was not as quiet as she had intended because Sirius shot his head towards her.

"If you think it's so funny, why don't you give it a try. Go on," he said.

Ophelia sat up and took a moment to center her magic. She took a deep breath and extended her arm. "Accio book," she said, focusing all of her magic into her arm. She had practiced wandless magic before, so it didn't come as too difficult. Her biggest struggle was trying to do wandless and wordless magic, which only the most experienced witches and wizards could do. She had yet to do anything of substantial importance, but she vowed to keep practicing over the summer holiday.

The book flew into her hand with ease and James, Sirius, and Peter looked at her with their mouths hanging open. Remus wore a proud smirk, as well Alice, Marlene, and Lily, all of whom had already seen her practice.

"Hey, what's that?" asked Alice, pointing at something flying towards them in the distance.

"Did you do that too? Don't tell me you've learned wordless magic as well?" exclaimed Peter.

"No, I didn't do that," Ophelia said, looking at the thing in confusion.

As it got closer, Ophelia recognized it to be a paper airplane. Someone charmed it to fly towards them.

Lily caught it and showed the group. She opened it, expecting to see a note for one of them on the inside, but nothing appeared.

"Revelio," she said, pointing her wand towards it. Nothing happened, and realization showed through her eyes. "It's charmed so that only the people who the sender wants to read it can see it."

"Well it came to us, so obviously it's for one of us," said Remus.

"Let me try," Sirius said, extending his arm for Lily to hand it to him. "Revelio," he said. He looked at the paper for a few moments before looking up at Ophelia.

"Nothing's happened. Maybe it's for Alice or Marlene, from Frank or Dorcas?" Peter suggested.

"No, it's appeared for me. I think you just can't see it. Phee, come here, see if you can read it."

Ophelia stood up and walked over to where Sirius was sitting. She took the piece of parchment and read what was written in messy chicken scratch handwriting.

In the north wing, something's wrong, I don't know what's happening

Please hurry


Ophelia took notice of how it was much messier than his normal handwriting, but it was still his handwriting nonetheless.

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