chapter thirty seven

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2 October, 1776

The transfiguration students shuffled into the classroom, tired and wanting to be back in bed. There were only two minutes until the first class of the day.

Ophelia, half asleep, sat down next to Alice, who looked even more tired than the former. Marlene was idly twirling around her quill while looking off into space, most likely picturing herself back in the dormitory under the protection of her blankets.

An old woman with grey hair pulled up into a tight bun and small spectacles walked into the classroom with more poise than any of her students had done just minutes earlier.

Professor McGonagall started teaching, but Ophelia couldn't hear her. She was too dazed and tired to be able to fully comprehend what the teacher was saying. She heard the words "bird conjuring charm" on multiple occasions, so she assumed that was what they were supposed to be learning that day.

Fortunately for both Ophelia and the professor, Ophelia was already quite skilled with that spell, so Ophelia decided she didn't need to learn it all over again. Unfortunately for Ophelia, Professor McGonagall decided that that wasn't the case, and that all of her students need to be paying attention whether they already know the material or not.

Ophelia had her hands in front of her, stationed as a pillow, as her head lay on top, just barely listening. She could hear Professor McGonagall's heels click across the stone floor and stop just feet away from her.

"Am I interrupting your nap, miss Black?"

Ophelia picked her head up and looked daringly at her professor, "yes, Minnie. You are actually."

The class laughed slightly at this, but neither of them paid attention.

"I expect my students to be paying attention while I teach."

"And I expect to get a full night's sleep, but life isn't fair, Minnie."

"Let me rephrase, I would greatly appreciate it if you were to sit up and watch my instruction as I do so."

"And I would greatly appreciate it if you would let me go back to sleep."

"Five points from Gryffindor. If you don't feel the need to learn this spell, why don't you stand up and perform it for the class. Come on, up you get."

"Minnie, you're acting as if I'm stupid. Of course I know how to do the bird conjuring charm, didn't we learn it in like, second year?"

"Miss Black, we are learning it now. You would know that if you had been listening."

"Well that's probably when I learned it at least." Ophelia stood up and faced the class, her eyes resting for a few seconds on Sirius, who had a look on his face that screamed 'my sister is going to do this flawlessly, I never doubted her for a second'.

"Ladies and gentlemen, watch and learn. Avis."

She waved her wand, and with a loud band, a dozen brown birds flew out of the tip of it. They flew all around the classroom, fliting and chirping, and just overall causing a scene.

McGonagall waved her wand and the birds all disappeared at once.

"I stand corrected. Ten points to Gryffindor. Please be seated, Miss Black, but I expect you to be paying attention whether you already know how to do the charm or not."

"But Minnie-"

McGonagall sent a glare her way which made the girl abruptly stop her sentence, make a face at the professor, but sit back down at her seat, nonetheless.

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