Chapter Ten

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"What is going on!" They heard Alma Scream. Both of them shared a tense look and ran out of her room. Dolores was at Alma's side pulling on her sleeve but she slapped her hand away. She looked like she was pleading with her Abulea to just stop.

Mirabel and Isabela were in a giant pile of flowers. Isabela's dress and hair was a disaster, covered in all types of Pollen. "Abuela It's okay! Everything's, were gonna save the miracle, the magic!" Mirabel was clearly excited but Alma was not happy.

Andres nudged Luisa and nodded down to her sisters. She got the message and walked down to them figuring they were gonna need her in a minute. Andres stayed where he was leaning on the banister, his chin resting on his fist his eyes now glaring purple down at Alma and his hair whipping back and forth in the wind he was creating for effect. "What are you talking about!" She screamed. Dolores looked up and Saw Andres looking like the monster he made himself out to be, she saw one of his hands tighten on the banister and black magic started to outline his veins. "Look at our home, look at your sister." The flowers on the ground wilted and died before disappearing.

"Please just, isabella wasn't happy,"

"Of course she isn't happy you ruined her proposal."

"No no no she needed me to ruin her proposal," Yeah Andres felt bad about that, that was mostly his fault. "And then we did all this." she gestures to the array of odd plants hanging around the house. They really were beautiful in an unconventional way. "And the candle burned brighter and the cracks stopped."


She wasn't paying attention. She was in her own little happy land, "That's why I'm in the vision, I'm saving the miracle."

"You have to stop Mirabel!" Andres winced not good.

Luisa and Dolores shrunk back and looked up to Andres. Isabela did too as she was confused as to what had worried her sister and cousin so much. She saw the boy they had let into their home glowing with a hard look in his face and she knew bad things were coming. "The cracks started with you, Bruno left because of you." Andres shook his head and tapped the railing, leading to the house quivering. "Luisa's losing her powers isabela is out of control because of you," Andres tapped his foot twice in front of Alma's door "I don't know what you weren't given a gift, but it's not an excuse for you to hurt this family!" Andres crossed his arm and stood at the top of the stairs.

The three girls saw the cracks spreading around them sourcing dorm Andres. "I will never be good enough for you, will I?" Julieta and Augustin walking in now hearing the disarray, both were too focused on Mirabel to see Andres. No matter how hard I try, No matter how hard any of us tries. Luisa will never be strong enough, Isabela won't be perfect enough. Bruno left our family because you only saw the worst in him."

"Bruno didn't care about this family!" Pepa and Feilx had now shown up with Camilo and Antonio behind him and they saw Andres and Pepa stumbled back in fear.

His chest was now glowing with Hecate's wheel, his veins all the way to his forearms were black and his eyes once again fully purple, the nerves around them turning black.

"He loves this family, I love this family, we all love this family, you're the one who doesn't care." He lifted his hands out in front of him as he descended down the stairs. "You're the one breaking our home."

"Don't you ever-!"

"The Miracle is dying because of you."

Andres stopped on the last step, "Well sighted Mirabel." she whirled around and gasped in fear since her friends state. He turned to Dolores and Luisa. "I'm sorry." He dropped one of his arms, stepped off the last step and threw his arm out between Mirabel and Alma, Cracking the floor between them before dropping his hand and letting the miracle die on its own.

Magic's heir (Encanto fic)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora