Chapter Five

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Andres led Camilo out of his room so he could finish packing and look for the spells he was supposed to use today. Camilo tied the bandana to his arm like he had seen Andres do in the past and did as the older boy told him to. When he tied it on Hecate knew that Camilo was important and should not be harmed by any of his magic.

There was a reason Hecate had sent him to Encanto and why she had made him stay so long. And him handing Camilo that bandana was that last bit of proof that she did the right thing. She just had to hope Andres wouldn't have to take their magic.


The boy let out a small scream throwing his spell book in the air, luckily falling behind his bed, and fell again. "Do people in this house just not knock anymore? Is that a new thing? Did I miss the memo?"

"I need your help." Mirabel Said not even realizing the disheveled state of his room and pulled him out.

"Why? Where are we going?"

"Tio Bruno's tower."

His eyes widened and he pulled his arm out of her hand, "What!? That place is off limits loca."

She gave him a look, "first of all rude and second I was talking with Luisa." She knew the mention of her older sister would get Andres to listen and go along with her. Just as she thought the moment, she said Luisa's name Andres was deeply invested. "She said that she heard the adults talking about a terrible vision Tio Bruno had before he left, she said it might give me an idea of what's happening with the magic."

Andres couldn't come up with any reason not to go that didn't involve the sentence, 'I might be in that Vision'. "Okay. Let's go."

She smiled and pulled him along out of sight to Bruno's tower. Andres managed to open the door which was rusted and stuck as it had been ten years since in use. Mirabel walked towards the hourglass arch way. She stuck her hand under it and just like a real hourglass sand was running through it. "Casita? Can you turn off the sand?"

The tiles fumbled outside the door, "I don't think she can help us in here." she slowly fumbled her tiles as a way of showing a nod.

She moves them rapidly in concern for the two, "We'll be fine, for you, for abuela, maybe a little for me," she adds the last part under her breath. Andres smiled at her mind. "Fine the vision, save the ma-ahh!"

As soon as she walked through the archway she fell, "Mirabel?"

"I'm fine it's just a little hill and not a straight walkthrough."

He nodded, "I'm trying Castia." He told the house as he closed Bruno's door. Casita knew he was draining her magic, but she also knew why. She knew that he didn't have a choice. He slid through the archway and helped Mirabel up. She cleaned the sand out of her eyes and the two walked forward. There was a rock in the shape of a hand pointing up that read 'your future awaits.' she huffed, Andres looked like he was gonna cry from the sheer number of stairs. "Nope."

He tried to walk back but Mirabel Pulled him back, "This was Luisa's Idea." He whined but nodded. How he didn't realize his feelings was a mystery to her. A toucan from Antonio's room landed next to them. "Oh hello." it chattered, "A lot of stairs but at least we'll have a friend- nope he flew away immediately. As the two walked up, Mirabel sang to herself, "Welcome to the family Madrigal, There's so many stairs in the Casa Madrigal. You'd think there'd be another way to get so high 'cause we're magic but no." Both looked about ready to pass out.

"It's magical how many stairs fit in here!" Andres snapped.

"Bruno, your room is the worst!"

"I climbed the Encanto mountains, this is worse!" At least around the Encanto he wasn't afraid of falling to his death the whole time.... only some of the time. They finally got to the top only to find part of the floor gone. Mirabel managed to secure a rope so they could swing across. "Is this safe?"

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